
Populist Ideas Spread Through All Of Latin America

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In the past couple of decades, populist ideas spread through all of Latin America. First, Cuba adopted these ideals with the arrival of Fidel Castro to power in 1959. Then, Hugo R. Chavez adopted Cuban ideals in Venezuela in 1998. Since Venezuela adopted populism, it spread quickly throughout countries in South America. All of the countries that adopted populism deteriorated throughout the years reaching a point of social unrest. Populist governments like Chavism are prejudiced to the country and its citizens. In Venezuela, Chavism led to ridiculous crime rates, huge monetary devaluation, corruption inside the government, famine, and social unhappiness.
As stated by the article “A Political Theory of Populism”, populism is “a democratic discourse that relies on the idea of a popular will and struggle between ´the people´ and ´the elite´— then Chavismo is clearly a populist phenomenon” (Acemoglu 1). Populism is the shortcut that the government uses to play with the passions, illusions, and ideals of its citizens with the purpose of promoting what is impossible and taking advantage of people’s misery. Populist governments avoid using reason and logic when making decisions and they play with the basic necessities of people to simply impose a dictatorship. The effects of populism in a country are devastating and you can observe the deterioration of Venezuela throughout the seventeen years of Chavism. Gloria Alvarez in her interview states that “the immediate effects of

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