“The game was to just find something about everything to be glad about no matter what ‘twas… you see, when you’re hunting for the good things, you sort of forget about the other kinds,” states the character Pollyanna in her namesake book by Eleanor Porter. In this work, Porter gives many situations where Pollyanna is continually optimistic and sweet. Because this character is uniquely unwaveringly optimistic, an individual with the same characteristics is called by her name. Even in conditions where the outcome is unlikely to be positive, the type of person described as a Pollyanna will look for the best in all aspects. A Pollyanna is a person who can be described as being infinitely cheerful, moral, and kind to everyone. Above all, a Pollyanna is a person who is unceasingly cheerful, even when life is not going according to plan. In the book Pollyanna, Porter explains how the girl learned to always look at the bright side by telling a story about her father. One year Pollyanna wished for a doll for Christmas, but the missionary barrel only had a pair of crutches. Her father changed her view of the situation by saying, “At least you …show more content…
If one of these people are faced with a choice that challenges his or her beliefs, picking the side that helps others is easy. Most of the time one thinks of Pollyannas as being little old ladies, such as Mother Teresa. In reality, a Pollyanna could be a doctor or lawyer who shows morality in tough situations. A great example of this characteristic is James Donovan, an insurance lawyer during the Cold War chosen to free international prisoners. He successfully traded one captive Russian spy for a captive American spy and student. He was sent to negotiate the release of 1,100 survivors after the Bay of Pigs invasion failed. At the conclusion of the talks he had secured 8,500 additional political prisoners. He is an admirable example of the morality
Then there is Ms. Hopewell. Her name seems to refer to her positivistic outlook on life and her willingness to always, in a sense, hope for the best. She always has little sayings such as "nothing is perfect,? "a smile never hurt anyone,? and "good country people are the salt of the earth,? which suggest even more of a need to always seek out the best in people (172-176). Mrs. Hopewell "can't be rude to anybody? and "could not understand deliberate rudeness, although she lived with it, and she felt she had always to overflow with hospitality to make up for Joy's lack of course? (177). Even when
Louie is optimistic the way he is because, when Louie and Phil were locked up, the guard asked them if they were Christians and they told him yes. So, “The guard reached into the cell and slipped two pieces of candy into Louie’s hand, then gave to pieces to Phil. A friendship was born.” (142) Even though Louie and Phil were captured by the Japanese, they still made a friend and were happy about it. A last way that shows that Louie is optimistic was when Louie had go to a POW camp, a place that was tortured and would make the Americans tell everything they know to the Japanese.
accomplished lifetime even if his lifetime was only 27 years long. He was a leader , a fighter, he abandoned his family and so much more he didn’t have the best life but he did have the life of an outstanding American hero.
She was always jovial, she never let anything or anyone bring her down. One way this is stated is in lines 463-466 of the play, “I slept, father. Wasn’t that funny? I knew it was the last night in my own bed, and yet I slept soundly.”.This quote shows that Anne was hopeful. She was hopeful that she would find another home, or that she as well as her family would be coalesced no matter the obstruction that stood in front of them. She was hopeful, that she along with her sister would stay together through thick and thin. She was hopeful, that she would survive. Optimism is extravagantly mundane in adolescent generations. They always want to have fun and they always find a way that they can, but Anne was different. She was always perky, consequently, she always made everyone smile. In the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank”, while everyone was down and blue about their situation, Anne was content. Against all odds, she stayed that way, she was blissful to be a Jewish girl, she was grateful to have kenned the people she did, accordingly, she was ecstatic to have been a component of something more astronomically immense. It didn’t matter what she was doing, she was joyous while doing it. Anne was a very hopeful person, so she always saw the good in
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of optimism is “A disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.” Looking on the more favorable side can help in the most difficult times. Having a positive attitude is the best response to conflict, especially in time of war. Optimists such as Winston Churchill and Anne Frank kept hope for a better future throughout World War II.
He put many americans back on their feet. He brought courage to the hopeless in a country
Because of him, the world was informed about basic human rights and dignities and how this was being
“There’s a time for casting silver; a time for casting cannon. If that isn’t in the red, it should be!”There’s is a time for making money and there’s a time to go to war. His early life,the cause of why he joined the war, roles in the war, and after the war he was an inspiring person.
In “The Diary of a Young Girl” the author states, “But as you can see, Kitty, I'm still alive, and that's the main thing” (Frank). Since Anne had a positive attitude about the situation she was in, it helped her realize that she should be thankful for the little things. It also helped her to forget about the hardships and celebrate the jubilant times. In “Dear Miss Breed” the author states as she was on her way to a Japanese internment camp, “One of the most beautiful scenery was when crossing a bridge which was right above the Colorado River” (Oppenheim). Louise Ogawa had a cheerful attitude and she gained positive experiences during her trip. As she was looking at the river, it helped her forget for a while about the things she is about to face. In the article “How Your Attitude Affects Your Reality” Honoree Corder states, “When something less-than-fantastic happens, you can respond or react. Choose to respond in whatever way is appropriate and then press the reset button on your attitude” (Corder). During a hard time, having a change in attitude is key, and very important. Having a negative attitude, however, will not help relieve the pain that is being felt. A hopeful and sanguine outlook on a situation will help to not focus on the unfortunate things in
In the short story, “Where are you going? Where have you been?” written by Joyce Carol Oates depicts how being young and innocent, conflicts with the reality of evil people out there. Connie, the main character of the story, is a 15 year old girl that has sexual fantasies. When she is confronted with the harsh realities of adulthood, she cannot think and ends up making a life decision that saves her family, making her the hero. Hero is someone who makes sacrifices that they may not be happy to do and may impact their lives in a negative way, but they do it for the sake of people they love. On the webpage hero means, “A person, who in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded a a role model or ideal” (dictionary). They are looked upon and considered role models because no anyone is willing to make all the sacrifices that they do, but desire to be like them.
When you hang around someone, you slowly and subconsciously begin to take on the characteristics they portray. Jamie was a humanitarian and always looked for the good in others. For example, during Christmas time, she visited an orphanage and gave presents out to the orphans. An example of optimism is when she meets Landon's friends and doesn't judge them based on what she's already known about them. Instead she becomes inviting and willing to look over obvious differences that both sides have.
Solon and Cleisthenes were two huge steps towards democracy for Athens. Before these two rulers came into power in Athens the nation was very divided. There was a huge gap in between the lower class and the upper classes. The upper class had more power due to the fact that they were educated and they had wealth. The upper class had an automatic bias towards themselves in the government making it a corrupt system and not fair for the lower class. It was not a trustworthy system because the upper class did have the same needs and requirements that the lower class did. This resulted in the lower class not having a say in the government and generally not getting what they needed. But, even when the lower class took power there was going to be there be a great
Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! That is the sound of the shiny red cart going up the tracks. “Are you scared?” I asked my little sister Sophia.
• Positivity: Positivity is for someone who is upbeat and positive, which tends to rub off on others.
My hero has went through her mom and dad being divorced and her moving to Florida when she was young.