
Porter's Pollyanna

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“The game was to just find something about everything to be glad about no matter what ‘twas… you see, when you’re hunting for the good things, you sort of forget about the other kinds,” states the character Pollyanna in her namesake book by Eleanor Porter. In this work, Porter gives many situations where Pollyanna is continually optimistic and sweet. Because this character is uniquely unwaveringly optimistic, an individual with the same characteristics is called by her name. Even in conditions where the outcome is unlikely to be positive, the type of person described as a Pollyanna will look for the best in all aspects. A Pollyanna is a person who can be described as being infinitely cheerful, moral, and kind to everyone. Above all, a Pollyanna is a person who is unceasingly cheerful, even when life is not going according to plan. In the book Pollyanna, Porter explains how the girl learned to always look at the bright side by telling a story about her father. One year Pollyanna wished for a doll for Christmas, but the missionary barrel only had a pair of crutches. Her father changed her view of the situation by saying, “At least you …show more content…

If one of these people are faced with a choice that challenges his or her beliefs, picking the side that helps others is easy. Most of the time one thinks of Pollyannas as being little old ladies, such as Mother Teresa. In reality, a Pollyanna could be a doctor or lawyer who shows morality in tough situations. A great example of this characteristic is James Donovan, an insurance lawyer during the Cold War chosen to free international prisoners. He successfully traded one captive Russian spy for a captive American spy and student. He was sent to negotiate the release of 1,100 survivors after the Bay of Pigs invasion failed. At the conclusion of the talks he had secured 8,500 additional political prisoners. He is an admirable example of the morality

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