
Portfolio Task 5 Essay

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Portfolio Task 5 Part A: In your questioning you may wish to include topics on erosion, his involvement in shaping the land, the farms water runoff or irrigation methods used. Question 1. Me: Can you please state what plant growth regulator you use on your crops? Many can harm the roots of the vegetation and loosen them, causing the soils to be easily carried away by the river. Farmer: I use Ethephon, which I have heard can be found in a variety of commercial herbicides. Me: Ethephon contains bacteria which are harmful towards the specific turf that you are cultivating. Due to the bacteria, the roots of your florae will eventually loosen to the point where the soils will drop into the river. This will add to the build-up of sediments. Ultimately, the contaminated river will cause blockage. The ecosystem living in the body of water would die off or be forced to migrate. …show more content…

Me: In your opinion, what factors do you consider to be the reason the runoff is having a negative impact on the environment? Farmer: I am not entirely sure. A factor I have taken into consideration was the idea that I am applying a large amount of pesticides on the turf. Me: Due to the fact that there is no compact vegetation on this farm, the chances of a larger runoff are higher. Pesticides and other hazardous chemicals used on the grass flow into the river during a major flood. Products such as these damage and harm the ecosystem living in that particular body of water. In the long run, people who depend on fish for their main source of protein and their economic livelihood is

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