
Position And Beliefs Of Epicurus's Letter To Menoeceus

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In this essay, I will dissect the positions and beliefs of Epicurus from a letter he wrote to Menoeceus, and argue why I believe they are correct or incorrect. I will also elaborate on the ultimate goal for Epicurus and differentiate between the types of pleasures and why it is important to focus on particular types. Lastly I will analyze the principal things that give people anxiety, the method Epicurus recommend for applying his philosophy, and why I agree or disagree with particular positions Epicurus has.
Epicurus uses several different instances about what he believes constitutes the good life and I found many of them to be right on target with my beliefs. One of the quotes that stuck with me and got me thinking was the one about studying the means to secure happiness. He believes that after happiness is …show more content…

This becomes controversial because everyone doesn’t want the same thing in life. Some would argue that everybody has different goals and desires, so to claim that after someone has secured happiness that they have everything, is debatable. I agree with Epicurus on this topic because although everyone might have different goals in life, when they complete those goals, happiness is what they will secure. For example, say one person has a goal to get a great job and another person has a goal to get a great wife. Different goals on the outside, but if one looks deeper, it can be seen that the great job will lead to money and everything that person desires will become attainable, which will secure their happiness. The great wife could lead to

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