
Examples Of Visual-Spatial Abilities

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When it comes to visual-spatial abilities, it is thought that males are better than girls. They can rotate objects better in their minds, are better at things like engineering and mathematics. Females are good at empathizing and listening, more likely to choose professions in the arts rather than sciences. It was thought that these differences were due to the fact that our brains are wired differently, that our hormones controlled more than we thought. However, that is not the case it seems. There seems to be no significant results that gender differences in visual-spatial abilities are innate but rather socialized through practice and training and gender schemas.
The prenatal hormone theory states that there is a surge of hormones in the womb that can cause sex differences in the fetus. The hormone testosterone is believed to cause males to be more interested in things that involve objects or systems and less interest in things like facial expression and people (Fine). The theory would account for the claim that more males are interested in professions that involve math and science (engineering, computer sciences, physics, etc.). Counteracting this claim, however, is evidence pointing towards the fact that many of these professions and intellectual discovers need a great deal of empathetic ability to achieve. Fine points out in her novel, Delusions of Gender, that Albert Einstein claimed to have made great discovers when he was following his intuition and not his logic.

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