
Is Technology Negatively Affecting Mankind?

Decent Essays

Albert Einstein once said “ I fear that technology will surpass our interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Many people tend to think that technology is one of the best things to ever happen , but others believe that it is starting to have a negative effect on humanity. There are many different types of technology, but the two most commonly used are cell phones and computers. Our generation is being raised alongside technological evolution. Individuals use technology everyday for many different occasions, whether it be for work, school, or just to play video games. People don’t realize that they could outside enjoying their life and having fun, but instead they choose to stay inside on their computers or cellphones. Humans are being taught that technology is the reason behind everything that is happening in society today. Technology is supposed to make life easier for everyone. While it is true that technology contributes a lot of good to the world today, it has not came without a price. There are various negative effects that technology has caused in today’s generation. Technology is negatively affecting humankind because it is making people depressed, it is beginning to make individuals simple minded, people are becoming addicted to their technology, and because it is starting to make human beings do things that will put them in dangerous situations. Most people in today’s generation are more depressed than individuals in any other generation, and

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