1. Glorious Revolution James II angering the English political leaders as much as Andros alienating the colonists caused the Glorious Revolution in England and America. King James II was overthrown in an event called the Glorious Revolution. This resulted in rebellions by Protestant colonists in Massachusetts, Maryland, and NY, Andros was sent back to England. In Massachusetts bay, it resulted in authorizing the king to report to the governor and customs officials, gave vote to all male owners of property. This glorious revolution affected the colonies in both a positive and negative way. Overthrowing King James II positively affects the colonists because, it freed the colonists from strict laws and anti-puritan rule temporarily. Colonies …show more content…
The expansion of British colonies was the cause of this war in North America. British colonies grew faster than the French colonies, the French tried to protect their colonies but in the end, had to surrender. The Treaty of Paris ended the war in North America, which ended French power in America. 3. Transatlantic Slave Trade The beginning of the consumer revolution was the result of the transatlantic slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade effects the Americas because it foreshadows the use of slaves on plantations for agriculture. The Transatlantic slave trade had both positive and Negative effects on America. It positively affected America by building relationships with foreign nations through the transportation of goods. Transatlantic slave trade negatively impacted America by spreading diseases because of the awful conditions on the ships. 4. The Enlightenment The Enlightenment challenged old views, for example, the Christians believed that the earth was the center of the universe. The scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth century challenged ideas and educated people. Copernicus discovered that the earth travels around the sun, and not the other way around. This affected the U.S. positively because people became educated by the different philosophers and their new
These two countries both wanted something from the Americas to have more power. Britain won the war solely because of William Pitt who commanded the British to victory. 2. New France made peace with the local Indian tribes and aided them in battle. They weren’t as organized as the British colonies.
Throughout the 18th century, The French and Indian War (1754-63), also known as the Seven Years’ War, altered the relationship between Britain and its American colonies politically, economically, and also in ideological ways. During this time, the country with the most land had the most power. Britain and France had a lot of conflicts because Britain felt threatened by French. Britain was not pleased with the fact that France was expanding into the Ohio River, however Britain eventually won the war. The War was ended by the Treaty of Paris 1763.Britain gained control over Canada and Florida and they were able to open The Mississippi valley westward. Britain gained the entire eastern coastline of North America and also France, which caused
The French and Indian war (1754-1763) commonly known as the seven year war. The war was between New France and the colonies of British America. The reason for the war was for control of North America and the fur trade. The Treaty of Paris was the treaty that marked the ending of the French and Indian War. The treaty gave the British control over the area west of the thirteen colonies to the Mississippi River.
France and Britain were fighting,and the war was now spreading to north america.Britans colinest wanted to take over
When the British won the war they got a lot of territory for the new world, but they got to much that they were in debt. Since the French are out of the new world it gives the colonists more room to colonize. Before the war the colonist never could find a way to work together, but after the war they realized that they are much more powerful when they work together to fight a common foe. The British made the rules in the colonies more strict because the colonist started the French and Indian war. This caused the colonist to fight back against the British. Because of this the American Revolution started. The colonist united together to fight the British in the war. The colonist won the war and because of this British no longer had control over the colonies. That is how the French and Indian War helped create
The French and Indian war was a battle between the French and Great Britain over territorial issues. When the British colonists saw the French encroaching their territory over the Ohio River Valley, this caused conflict. The Native Americans naturally sided with the French as they had formed a stronger connection through trade. This alliance was not enough and the British were victorious with assistance from their colonies. The result of this war was the colonies wanting to split away from the rule of the British. The impact of winning the French and Indian war was huge on Britain and its colonies, it lead to limited expansion of land, conflict between Great Britain and its colonies, and more strict rules and dependence from Britain on its colonies leading to the American Revolution .
Economically, politically and ideologically, the French and Indian War caused tension between the American colonies due to Britain placing laws and taxes into effect that the colonists did not prefer. Because of this, the colonists began to resent Britain, rather than cooperating with them.
The rivalry among the British, French, and American Indians for economic and political gain in North America terminated in the French and Indian War, in which Britain defeated France and allied American Indians. The relationship between Britain and the colonies was crucially alternated by the war because after the war ended, Britain was in debt, so they tightened its enforcement of laws on trading and smuggling in the American colonies and it imposed taxes on the colonies to help defray the costs of the war. These actions angered the colonists greatly caused the Colonists take stock of their own identity and question Great Britain's power over them. The French and Indian War, to a great extent, marked a critical point in the relationship between
Both the British and the American colonists contributed to causing the American Revolution. The war grew out of contempt: England’s contempt for the colonies and colonial contempt for British policies. A series of actions by the British eventually pushed the colonists over the edge and towards independence. The results of the war gave many citizens a new role in society while others, like slaves, felt no change at all. This paper will examine the specific causes and effects of the American Revolution.
The conflict between the superpowers for the control of the continent began the Seven Years’ War. Most people put the beginning of the Seven Years’ War in the 1754, but it actually occurred from 1756 to 1763. In the Seven Years’ War, France, and Great Britain struggled to control eastern North America (Davidson, 2006). The area between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian mountain range was contested, as both nations claimed it. When the British won the Seven Years’ War, their colonial holdings doubled in size and they gained control of North America. Conflicts over trading rights and the control of the Ohio country was the primary cause of the French and the Indian War (Davidson, 2006). British control over North America and the Seven Years’ War led to many issues and problems as the British struggled to maintain their supremacy. The French came out behind in each of these struggles, they lost position as highest colonial power for the next generation, their position would not be restored until French Revolution of the 1970’s. Since each colony had to run its own military campaigns for many years, the colonies were isolated from each other. While the Seven Years’ War did determine who would control the North America continent, conflicts caused by the war would still continue.
This war had several causes: the United Kingdom was at war with France, and wanted to keep the United States as extra help in its battle with France; use America to recruit US forces into the British Navy; British general control over the American trade; supposed British military aid for the Indian Americans to defend themselves against the American colonists; and America's desire to expand the territory.
The French and Indian War helped cause the American Revolution by giving the colonists a realization that they can be successful without the British and forcing the British to raise taxes which upset the colonists. The colonists realized they could become independent because before the British arrived to support the colonists, they developed a war tactic with the help from some of the Natives who were allied with them called Guerilla Warfare that uses the element of surprise and fear to defeat the enemy. Once the British came over, though, they forbade the colonists from using this tactic which caused a few losses for the colonists and made winning that much more difficult, causing resentment and tension between the British colonists and their mother country. Another factor that contributed to the American Revolution is the amount of debt that the British acquired after winning the war because it forced them to create and enforce taxes in the colonies more
Britain created a lot of policies to keep the colonies under their rule. They also had these policies in place because it benefited their own economy. American colonies would give Britain supplies, and they would use these supplies to manufacture for a profit. The Navigation Acts were created so that trade would be more regulated.
Some say the glorious revolution was one of the greatest landmarks in the history of England. The glorious revolution is a very important event in history for multiple reasons. It wasn’t exactly a peaceful occasion but it was one in which no war of fight occurred. This was a pleasant change for England at the time because they had been experiencing plenty of fights over the throne and for once it was a relatively smooth transaction.
The age of Enlightenment was a progression of the cultural and intellectual changes in Europe that had resulted from the scientific revolution during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The scientific revolution and the discoveries made about the natural world would ultimately challenge the way people perceived the world around them. Scientist found real answers, by questioning flawed ancient beliefs that were widely held and maintained by the church. Ultimately, these discoveries and scientific advancements would evolve and effect social, cultural, and political developments in Europe over the course of time. The scientific revolution had provided certainty about the natural world that had long been questioned. With these new