The Crusades were a group of Christians that Pope Urban II started back in 1095. They also had 9 Crusades, or 9 times when they would attack to get the Holy Land, against the Muslims and Jews, but mostly against the Muslims. During those battles there were both positive and negative. Were the results of the Crusades more positive or negative? The Crusades were more negative than positive because they worsen their relationship with the Jews and Muslims, or religious hatred, they destroyed and betrayed their closest ally, and their towns or cities were difficult to handle.
One reason why the Crusades were more negative than positive was because they worsen their own relationship with the Jews and Muslims, or religious hatred, even tho they were bad anyways. Document 5 states that ”First, the long struggle between Islam and Christendom and the example of persecution set by Christian kings and prelates (bishops) left an inheritance of deep bitterness; relations between Muslims and their Christian and Jewish subjects worsened.” (description of some of the effects of the Crusades).This is (important/interesting/relevant) because even if the Christian and Muslims relationship was bad already the Crusades made it worse by the bitterness left and even the Jews now are in it because when the Crusades lost, they took their fury against the Jews and would slaughter and destroy their cities even though the lost against the Muslims. Document 10 states that “...which one of the Franks
One reason I think Crusades are more negative is that they would massacre innocent people. Document 1 states that “In Europe, Crusaders sometimes turned their fury against Jews, massacring communities.” This is relevant because the crusades put a bitter legacy of religious hatred behind them.Document 6 states that arriving in Constantinople in 1204, the Venetian, who had been hired to transport the Crusaders, and the
The Crusades were an unpleasant event that happened for many reasons. It was established in 1096 and thankfully ended in 1291. The cause for why the Crusades had a more negative result is because most people died from participating or majorly hurt. This is because Document 6 states “The city was savagely taken with many lives lost” meaning that people had died. So, the continued fighting that took place because of the Crusades had a huge negative impact on the many people that lost their lives. In addition, Document 1 states “In Europe, crusaders sometimes turned their fury against Jews, massacring entire communities.” Which meant that full families including children were slaughtered, killed and destroyed because the crusaders were mad at
The crusades were more negative than positive because there were many innocent people were killed because of their religion. In document 1 it states In Europe, crusaders sometimes turned their fury against jews, massacring entire communities. They would do this just because they were
The crusades were multiple religious wars between the muslims and the christians. The wars were very violent and they also destroyed and ruined many things. Were the results of the crusades more positive or negative.The crusades fought violent, bloody wars that were against that christians and the muslims. Document 1 states that the crusades were bitter because of the hatred to certain religions .This is (important) because the main part of the crusades was that they all started to take back jerusalem and they were also very racist. Document 7 states that crusade kingdoms were hard to manage because the crusading knights would abuse and commit other atrocities on other christians.This is relevant because they were hard to maintain because
In between the end of the 11th century into the 13th century, Christians from Europe were tended by the church to launch a series of 9 wars known as the crusades. There was mixed effects from the crusades, some good, some bad on the Eastern and Western worlds that were involved in the conflicts. In this paragraph, what will explained is one of the more negative impacts of crusades that has caused some chaos throughout the Western and Eastern worlds. First, document 1 states that the legacy of the crusades was a bitter one because at there was more religious hatred.
These are the reasons, they we're hated by,and they also had a long struggle between the Muslims and Christians.That is why the results of the Crusades we're more negative than positive.
The Papacy in Rome sanctioned the First Crusade and Pope Urban II preached for a great Christian expedition to capture Jerusalem, the Holy Lands from the Muslims. During this time religion permeated every aspect of life. The Christian kings and peasants believed that every human being was judged in death and one way to absolve oneself of sin was to die in the name of the Lord, therefore dying in the Crusades would purify the soul allowing them to go straight to heaven. Consequently, “thousands of laymen and clergy took up the cross and younger sons of the upper-class had military advantages to become Crusaders” (Fiero, 2017). At this particular time, the church acknowledged and vindicated fighting and killing in the name of God, resulting in the Crusaders slaughtering all enemies of Christ; hundreds of men, women, and children plus the “entire Jewish populations of Cologne and Mainz became victims” (Fiero, 2017). The First Crusade set a dangerous precedent, the rise of organized anti-Jewish persecution and each subsequent Crusade resulted in renewed attacks on the Jews. The persecution of Jews reached a climax during the Crusades.
Besides having the Crusades being negative based on dying and losing their main objective, another example as to why the Crusades ended so negatively, is that many lands were demolished and robbed. In addition, in document 4 it indicates “ … the crusaders and the Venetians stormed Constantinople,, sacked the city, destroying its magnificent library, and grabbed thousands of relics that were later sold in Europe. From destruction, the Byzantine Empire as a political unit never recovered.” This is pertinent because it is clearly stated that they had destroyed buildings and when things are destroyed it’s rarely a good thing. Another thing that shows negativity is that after the Byzantine Empire was sacked, it never repaired. When something is damaged, it’s really bad for the people who have a relation to it. So when they had destroyed the Byzantine Empire, it must’ve hurt many people to see their city ruined. Furthermore in document B is states “Jerusalem was taken from the north on the morning of July 15, 1099. The population was put to the sword by the Franks, who pillaged the area for a week.
This historian can see that from Islam’s point of view, perhaps the Crusades were a miserable failure because their ancestors were not able to come out on top in the Conflicts that would have ensured the overall victory of the Holy Wars. It is a good possibility that the Islamic and Arab nations consider the Crusades a great failure since they were not able to expand throughout Europe.
Did the crusades have a negative or positive effect. In 1095 pope urban the 2nd called the first crusade which was the start of something that would have an Positive effect on the Eastern empire and christianity. In 1905 the byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus asked the Eastern empire for help after being threatened by seljuk turks and to aid the eastern empire pope urban called the first crusade so that they could fight back against the muslims with the Eastern empire and take back the holy lands. This crusade would lead to three more which would have a positive effect on christianity and the Eastern and Byzantine empires. Some positive effects were they found new food this also the crusaders conquered more land for the Eastern empire and found new clothing/material. The results crusades had many positive effects on the Eastern and Byzantine empire. One of which was that many more merchants were supporting them or selling to them and they also discovered new foods from the east. These two things helped the empire by allowing them to find new things through trade which ws increased because of the crusades because the crusaders would need more food and equipment. Document 2 states that “merchants in Venice and other northern Italian cities built large fleets to carry crusaders to the holy lands.” “They later used those fleets to open new markets in crusader states.” This shows that the merchants helped the crusaders and then they opened shops where the crusaders were so that
The Crusades were a failure in their goal of conquering the Holy Land for Christians. They cost a lot to the European nobility and resulted in thousands of deaths. Nevertheless, these expeditions influenced great transformations in the medieval world. They have weakened feudal aristocracy, strengthened royal power, and made possible the expansion of the market. Eastern civilization contributed much to European cultural enrichment, promoting intellectual development. Never again was Jerusalem dominated by Christians, but the movements on the way to the Holy Land expanded relationships with the known world at the time.
There were both positive and negative effects of The Crusades, although the positives did outweigh the negatives. The two major negative effects were anti-Semitism and the orchestrated attacks by Venice. Many Crusaders in Europe were so religiously fuming, that they turned their anger towards the Jews. They would at times massacre a whole community as a result of their religious rage. During the fourth crusade, crusaders began fighting Christians instead of Muslims. After helping Venetian merchants defeat their Byzantine trade rivals in 1204, the crusaders captured and looted Constantinople. They actually ransacked the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the empire in which they began to fight for, not against. There also were many positive effects of The Crusades, one being the increase of trade. Even before the Crusades, merchants began to enjoy some of the luxury goods that were brought from the Byzantine Empire. The crusaders that
Going against modern day religious beliefs, in 1095AD the Christians went to war to claim the holy city of Jerusalem, massacring the Muslims in a bloody attempt to worship their God. Pope Urban II’s speech at Clermont inspired by claims made by the Byzantium Emperor encouraged the Christians to partake in the First Crusade in an attempt to liberate Jerusalem. The religious and economic factors were the most relevant to cause this crusade, with some influence from desired political gain and little from social factors unrelated to religion. The immediate consequences were positive for the Christians and negative for the Muslims, but the First Crusade launched an ongoing conflict between the Christians and Muslims which had positive and negative consequences for both sides. There are a number of relevant modern sources which examine the causes and consequences of the First Crusade, but, while there are many medieval sources, they do not explicitly discuss the causes and consequences of the war. In order to fully comprehend the First Crusade, it is necessary to analyse the religious, economic, and political factors, as well as the short-term, long-term, and modern consequences.
The Crusades was a very important moment in human history, it showed the clashes between religions for land that most people considered to be sacred or holy. There isn’t one Crusade but rather a series of them, but we’ll be looking primarily at the First Crusade, Second Crusade, Third Crusade, and a little bit of the Fourth. It all starts in Rome (Nov 27th 1095) where Pope Urban the Second receives an important message from Byzantine Emperor Alexios the First where he pleads for help in supressing the Turkish troops. After receiving the message the Pope (standing in a field outside the city of Clermont) calls for the public to join the military excursion to the Middle East, and swiftly declares a Crusade with the primary objective of securing holy sites [Jaspert, Nikolas. The Crusades]. What followed was a large migration of troops from France and Italy on August and September of 1096. The
Many people consider the Crusades as wars of bloodlust, greed, and power. War can be described as an escalated conflict, most commonly over money or other resources. The outcome of war is usually the advancement of one society due to its newly acquired resources or knowledge. If one were to look at the Crusades, and their original purpose, which was to assist Constantinople and free the Holy Land from Muslim control, then one may make the conclusion that the Crusades failed. Although the Christians did not win over the Holy Land, Europe as a whole benefited greatly from the revival of East to West trade, and new inventions and innovations that arose during the time of the Crusades.