
Positive Behavioral Supports

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According to Feierman, (2013)Researchers have identified evidence-based practices that reduce incidents of school delinquency including violent misbehavior, lessen the need for exclusionary disciplinary practices or referrals to the justice system, and amilorate academic performance among all students. School-Wide Positive Behavioral Supports (SWPBS)—also referred to as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), restorative justice and trauma-informed education are examples of these practices. PBIS is the only such approach directly supported by federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires consideration of PBIS in an eligible student individualized education program.
However, states differ in their approach to legislation promoting social and emotional learning. Some statutes incorporate broad standards, while others mandate specific practices. In 2004, Illinois became the only state to pass legislation to incorporate social and …show more content…

Any school that has already implemented PBIS, but continues to have high suspension or truancy rates must “expand its existing program.” There are currently over 400 PBIS schools in Maryland (Feierman, 2013). Massachusetts, in contrast, addresses trauma and behavioral health as a means of improving school climate and reducing exclusionary discipline. In 2004, the state established a grant program to create “trauma-sensitive schools.” Such schools address the “educational and psycho-social needs of children whose behavior interferes with learning, particularly those who are suffering from the traumatic effects of exposure to violence (Feierman,

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