
Positive Effects Of Radiation On Plants

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According to the Health Physics Society radiations have a positive effect on plant growth at lower radiation levels and harmful effects at high levels. Plants need some types of non-ionizing radiation like sun-light for photosynthesis. Though these solar radiations are vital for the survival of plants but some other forms of non-ionizing and ionizing radiations are deleterious for plants. Ultraviolet radiation affects plant growth and sprouting and the amount of damage is proportional to the radiation received. Due to radiation exposure soil can become compact and lose the nutrients needed for plants to grow. The experiments conducted in laboratories by supplying ultraviolet radiation through filtered lamps proved that higher doses of radiation administered to the plants were highly damaging. Radiations disrupt the stomatal resistance. The stomata are a small air hole within the plant leaf that also controls water levels. If there is too much evaporation due to intense radiation the stomata close to reserve water. If the stomata are unable to open for a long period of time, the growth of the plant is stunted. Prolonged exposure to radiation can completely damage the stomata and ultimately the plant is destroyed. ADVERTISEMENTS: Plant cells, contain chromosomes i.e. the genetic material responsible for plant reproduction if the ceil is much damaged by radiation then reproduction is hindered. As UV radiations destroy cells, the chances of mutation are increased.

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