
Positive Impacts Of Peter The Great And Henry IV Of Russia

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Some monarchs left their countries in better condition than when they began their rule, while others left lasting damage. All of these monarchs used absolutism, but how they impacted their country varied. Certain rulers did things to improve their countries they ruled and made a positive impact on the people living there. For example, Henry IV made positive changes to France when he ruled, and Peter the Great positively impacted Russia. However, some rulers made bad choices and made their country worse. One example of this is Ivan IV of Russia, who is also known as “Ivan the Terrible”. Although they believed in different things and ruled in different ways, they all made important changes to the country they ruled. One monarch who made a positive impact on their country was Henry IV of France. One example of how he positively changed France was issuing the Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes was a very important document at the time. It gave the Huguenots certain rights that they previously did not have. The Huguenots were French Calvinist Protestants, and many of the wealthy families were Huguenots. This originated from the Protestant Reformation and spreading to France. The Huguenots were allowed freedom of religion (limited), the right to hold office, and several other things. This change in France ended the idea of “un roi, une loi, une foi”, meaning “one king, one law, one religion”. Another way he made the country better was that he improved France’s financial

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