“Gap year” is a common word for a lot of college students because taking a one-year break between high school and college is a good choice for the high school graduates. More and more high school graduates want to take a one-year break before they go to the college. In fact, some people agree that taking a one-year break is good for those students who just graduated from high school because they can learn different life skills and new things between college and high school. Other people think that taking a one-year break is bad for high school graduates because they will forget some knowledge that they learned in high school. In my opinion, I think that taking a one-year break (gap year) is beneficial for the high school graduates.
I believe that taking a one-year break is a good choice for the high school graduates because the gap year can help students adapt new lives better. I had a high school classmate who called Shengwei You (Jason) is taking a gap year now. He is one of my buddies because he always helped me and had a lot of interesting ideas about our high school life. Jason and I taken SAT tests and applied the colleges together. At last, he decided that gave up the application because he wants to take a one-year break. I could not believe that he gave up a lot of offers because those offers are very important for international students. He told me that he wanted to travel the Chinese mainland because he need learn more Chinese traditional cultures. As his friend,
The world is constantly progressing without a break. Why should we take one? “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family”. We as people on Earth make progress all the time. We have to, the only way to do this is thorough Knowledge and Comprehension. It also takes consistency working at getting smarter not being distracted by knowledge. “A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers”. If people would take a chance and look at the small decisions that they make now can make a gigantic change in the future. Even the smallest change now can have a big affect later in life. Even though some people believe there shouldn’t be year round schooling, students would benefit from having year-round schooling because of higher potential, students working more proficiently, and there would be less of a dropout rate.
Students normally feel more refreshed after breaks and are willing to get back into learning and doing school work. Since there are many breaks in a year-round schedule, students learn more due to the fact that they receive many breaks to get refreshed. People may think the traditional schedule is better because you get a long summer break, but it is not necessarily better. Coming back to school in September after a long relaxing summer break, students tend to forget everything they learned the previous school year.
Under a year-round schedule, the students benefit by having smaller breaks, meaning they can quickly snap back to previously learned information. When information is stored, but not used for an extended period of time, anyone can lose that information. Due to the shorter breaks, students may find it difficult to find a summer job, or a job at all, but there are jobs that work with students or maybe just limit their time at the workplace.
First, students should not go to school all year round because their minds would not be as clear. Although there are still breaks, that's is not enough time between studies. With one long break, students have their thoughts on fun during the break and studies during the school year. Students will not be paying as much attention. If you just go off a small break or are even waiting for one, your mind is most likely thinking about what fun things to do on break instead of what the teacher
However it can be argued that the more frequent breaks throughout the year will leave students feeling refreshed and ready to continue learning when they get back. In the proposition detailed above, students will have a series of breaks throughout the school year, with the longest being three weeks over the winter holidays. This gives ample amounts of time for families to vacation and celebrate together and hopefully leave the students feeling refreshed and ready to learn when they get back. It was also indicated by administrators that “renewed motivation and continuous injection of new ideas maintained a higher level of enthusiasm than [students] had experienced in their previous traditional calendar schools” and that they fully believed this was a critical factor in improving student performance throughout the year (Shields). It should also be noted that the vast majority of jobs offered globally do not have a summer break, and by shortening summers from 13 weeks to 7, students will be more prepared to enter the work force once out of school, and should have an easier time transitioning into the year round life as opposed to students used to taking 10 to 13 weeks off at
Due to the three month break teens often spend much of their time taking a vacation or working. Many of the ‘’older students might suffer financially because during this time they would normally secure full-time summer employment during a traditional summer break.’’ (Pearson, p. 6) There also wouldn’t be as much quality family time spent that students can simply get from vacations. ‘’It would have been extremely difficult to have family time together.’’ (Wildavsky, p. 18) Which many won’t get after their high school lives considering how busy their college and work life can
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” recited Eleanor Roosevelt. Why is it that some high schoolers want to graduate early? Are there any benefits to the advancement position at which some high schoolers would like to achieve by graduating early? The answer to that question is yes! There are so many great opportunities for those students who want to progress with life quicker and hopefully more accomplished. Early graduation can offer high school students and families a more stable and helpful financial environment. By applying such help and guidance to one 's life, it can enable a student to secure a well put together future for oneself and have a higher chance of success. Another benefit of early
Summer break is supposed to be a time of rest and rejuvenation for students. After nine months of hard work and challenging classes, one would think such a long break could do nothing but good for students; however, this is not the best way for young minds to learn. A three month break is far too long for children to go without proper education and supervision. Instead of a long three month break at the end of each school year, why not give students the same number of days off but spread them out more frequently throughout the year? Year-round education is a more efficient, globally competitive, and fair alternative to the traditional nine month school year.
By taking this time off to explore what life has to offer, this decision has made several students feel more mature as young adults. They were able to understand who they have become, and able to handle pressures in life that came along such as basic stereotyping, patience with others, and feeling more mature than their peers when they return to college. With using a year in between school and college, one can defer their application to college and go figure out what type of person they will become. Some get upset with going to college that first year and by taking the year off, most students come back with some life changing skills that enable them to have the traits, skillset and firsthand knowledge to deal with the first year of college situations such as parties, ethics, and alcohol. Most students feel that by taking this time off, it helps in their growth and not just mentally, but spiritually. One female even lost faith during her first year as a result of her experience. After hearing of the rape of one of the orphans, she recalled her religious doubts: “How can God let this happen?” (Shea, J. pg. 570). Many colleges are allowing more students to apply for a gap year. “In 2009, Princeton University launched a fully subsidized international volunteering gap year option for incoming undergraduates to encourage an international perspective and
Before I start I would like to give you a little background on Gap Year.
Since the student is currently learning some independence, this is a great time where they can get to know themselves better. During a gap year, students have the opportunity to get to know them as well as learn what they want to do in life (Ma, 2014). Back in 2013, there were interviews given to many students at different universities, about their experience with a gap year. A student by the name of Eden Full, Princeton University, stated that since he was young, he was always on the path to success. With a gap year, it had given him time to learn some new skills and explore some new interests that he had never had before (Lazaro, 2013). Another student by the name of Tiffany Yanagida, a computer science major at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, stated that a gap year had given her some time to find out her future career path. This was something that she had no idea about at the young age of 18 (Lazaro, 2013). This is a great time to have fun, build up your social network, and go out and enjoy the world.
Why go to college is a question many people debate with. The majority of people are not aware of the substantial benefits of attending college. With the rapid shift in today’s economy having a college degree is a major key. According to article written by Fatou Faal, “The United States has been transformed from manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education can be compared to that of a high school diploma education forty years ago.” The benefits of college prepare and shape you for today’s world.
Various disadvantages, moreover dangers, have to be taken into consideration about the gap year. The notion of going against the social norm and/ or breaking tradition, to a higher degree in the US, can be difficult for adolescents to overcome. As Killen notes
Most students are not over the pressures of being a senior in high school. That’s why the gap year should be taken to release all the stresses of high school. Most students cannot take being stressed out so decide to wait. These students are not capable of attending college due to their mental stability. Being a college student directly from high school could take a great toll on a person physical and mental state.
However, gap year is not as fantastic as it might seem. Gap year can make a student lose their flow of things. They will not be so willing to study as they don’t want to go back to the stress and rigor of academic life. It takes the student away from classroom experience. Gap year means that the student will lose a year of learning, of education. It makes you fall further behind your peers; this can put you at a disadvantage particularly if one is going to med school or law school. Additionally some gap years can be expensive especially if one is traveling. This could make college harder to afford. All in all gap year has its pros and cons, but it’s in the will of the student to say how fit it is for them.