
Positive Uses Of Cell Phones

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Paragraph 2: (Background of Invention) The cellular phone was first invented in the 19th century and is still used to this day. The purpose of the phone is to be able to communicate with people in different areas, regions and countries. This is shown when the author says, “The telephone first appeared in the late 19th century as a largely mechanical device and continued to develop throughout the 20th century based primarily on analog electronics.” This means that, the cell phone has developed during time, going from a small pocket device with an antenna and a beeper to a touchscreen mp3 player, videogame console, web searcher, camera, calculator and communication device. In the modern age a cell phone is almost a “requirement” since everyone from ages 10+ have one sticking out of their pockets. While it is a “requirement” it is also a luxury, because of how some companies modernize their inventions and add many new features some people can only afford the old, simple ones or can’t even afford one at all. Paragraph 3: (Positive Effects) Don’t you ever just sit and wonder how people lived before the cell phone even existed? How they communicated from different places or what they did for fun? Nowadays people can barely live without their phones and is considered a punishment for many kids in their households if they don’t follow instructions or are bad. Well, that’s what brings out such beauty to the invention! The many advantages the cell phone provides us with is

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