Paragraph 2: (Background of Invention) The cellular phone was first invented in the 19th century and is still used to this day. The purpose of the phone is to be able to communicate with people in different areas, regions and countries. This is shown when the author says, “The telephone first appeared in the late 19th century as a largely mechanical device and continued to develop throughout the 20th century based primarily on analog electronics.” This means that, the cell phone has developed during time, going from a small pocket device with an antenna and a beeper to a touchscreen mp3 player, videogame console, web searcher, camera, calculator and communication device. In the modern age a cell phone is almost a “requirement” since everyone from ages 10+ have one sticking out of their pockets. While it is a “requirement” it is also a luxury, because of how some companies modernize their inventions and add many new features some people can only afford the old, simple ones or can’t even afford one at all. Paragraph 3: (Positive Effects) Don’t you ever just sit and wonder how people lived before the cell phone even existed? How they communicated from different places or what they did for fun? Nowadays people can barely live without their phones and is considered a punishment for many kids in their households if they don’t follow instructions or are bad. Well, that’s what brings out such beauty to the invention! The many advantages the cell phone provides us with is
Surrounding the first portion of, “Our Cell Phone, Our Selves”, the author wrote about the early 1980s and the cell phone beginning, but I believe 1990s to the most important time frame. Notably, if she would have not added this, she would have missed a step in explaining the issues with the cell phone. The reader can conclude that technology was in full throttle, changing the cell phone from this large ugly brick, to something
The cellphone was the form of technology chosen because, despite the financial investment that the cellphone is, many people have one. The large quantity cellphone owners led to the conclusion that there must be ideology surrounding the cellphone. Due to the gaps of technological
Similar to the light bulb, the cell phone began as a modest product with a modest purpose, and underwent multiple, complex revisions to result in the current models manufactured today. If one examines the cell phone’s impact on our culture, it is evident that it has had both a positive and a negative impact on society. Without a doubt, the largest positive impact has been its ability to make day-to-day life less complicated, and ultimately, easier. Among a never-ending list of examples are: the ability to set reminders for appointments, meetings and important dates, an endless array of how-to and
There have been many inventions that have served Americans, but very few have had an overall impact on the course of humanity as the cell phone. The history of cell phones has been compared to our discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel. This is partly due to its adaptability to many aspects of human life, as well as its mobility to influence and reach geographical areas that extend to global ones. Around the world, cell phones are used in schools, corporate conglomerates, even religious institutes. Although use of them in cars has been banned in many American states, they continue to govern the way we live our lives. From its advent, the cell phone has changed the way humans not only communicate, but how information is
In conclusion, the author has made some good points, but I would not be so drastic to say they’re destroying us. I believe they can also bring us together. Cellphones can be good or bad, depending on how you use it. If you use it to compare yourself on social media to peoples best days than you will always feel less. But if you use it to connect with people than it can be good. Since this is all I know, I believe smartphones haven’t completely destroyed my
I think the most important insight in the Chapter 10 is that history of mobile media. In 1870s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Next the two-way mobile radios were appeared by the World War II. The devices were used in the car… However, the early two-way-radios were not perfect, it communicated range of 5 t o10 miles as well as people who stayed in this area that could listen. So the cell technology had to be developed by Bell Labs. Following this from 1983 until now, the cell phones became the majority people’s devices. Over time, it was a great developed in the society and brought convenience to people’s life. Nowadays, cell phone cannot leave my hands. Especially when I go outside, cell phone provides me to check the news, chat with my friends, and use the map on the cell phone…
Rather than dwell on how much technology, and cell phones in particular, have destroyed our society and individuals, we should start to look at the benefits of cell phones.
Cell phones could be both good and bad. Some people say that cell phones are dangerous. While, other people would argue that cell phones are a great invention. With every invention comes positives and negatives. Some of the advantages that cell phones provide is that testing is a fast and easy way of communication, texting and have social media all on your phone can always keep you updated and social with your friends, and people always have all of their personal information at one touch and carries it with them everywhere. Then, there are the disadvantages of cell phones which include texting at the wrong times such as driving is highly dangerous, while you are social and updated with friends through texting it can diminish your communication skills when it comes to talking in person, and also if you have all of your information on your phone and it gets lost of stolen then somebody knows everything that is on there. In the duration of this paper there will be a comparing of both the negatives and the positives of cell phones and their capabilities.
“The first hand- held cell phone was developed by Dr. Martin Cooper in the 1970’s and the cell tower and cell signal were put in place by Bell Laboratories and AT & T” (“History”). The phones were expensive at that time so people used them in their cars, due to the use of “battery” (“History”). On these cell phones you couldn’t talk long as a result of the “signals” and they were enormous phones (“History”). “Portable phones were used in the armed forces (”History”). Cell phones usage is high as a result of anybody having a cell phone (“History”). They are wireless devices that can be used to communicate anywhere in the country. The wireless phones are used for employers to communicate with their employees, family and friends, and essential to have when your vehicle breaks down for the safety of your life. Cell phones are used for communicating, but are definitely a distraction and can cause safety concerns.
The first mobile phones, due to its “smaller” size, would still be considered very large in today’s world. Many of the early cell phones were considered “car phones” because they were shaped like a brick and could not fit into one's pocket. The first cell phone was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x and was commercially available in 1983. The cellular technology to call these phones was analog frequencies. In the early 2000’s, cell phones became smaller is size and the software got faster. The introduction of the Blackberry popularized the use of the technology allowing more and more people to be involved. Cell phones became popular with the introduction of text messaging, short messages that can be sent to another person. Texting has become an easier and quicker form of communicating with others. Teenagers and children grew to love this feature as a main form of communication. They took on this mainly because it is very private and did not have to be loud in a situation that was not appropriate. “Today’s teens will carry the technology with them as a part of their repertoire of communication possibilities. Where older generations, when
I would like to discuss some advantages that the cell phone provides. First, it has become a faster way among colleagues and staff to communicate and get a hold of each other. Second, the applications it offers has brought many benefits to the provider as well as the patient. Lastly, cell phones provide convenience while on the go. These are just some examples of positive things cells phones are positively used for. I’ll now go into deeper details on how this can usage can be beneficial.
Cell Phones are objects that we see all around us every day, at all times of the day. However, everyone uses their cell phones in different ways for different reasons. The younger generation of this era does not know how it was in the past without such advanced technology like we have nowadays. Depending on the way that the owner of the phone uses it, shows how important it really is in their daily life and its importance in the owner’s lifestyle. In my opinion, cellphones are important to everyone of all ages because they inform us when there are amber alerts or weather alerts, to stay in contact with others just in case of an emergency, and to get around places with the use of google maps or other apps that are meant for maps.
The cellular phone was first created by Martin Cooper in 1973 for the purpose of expanding on current communication technologies. What he wasn’t aware of at that time, was how this would impact society as we know it today-- influencing our everyday activities from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep. Today, cellphones are used for much more than making calls, including, but not limited to: instant messaging, timing, mathematical calculation, alarms, email, social media, and a variety of other things once you delve into the complexity of application
While cell phones can be very useful, for a growing teen, they may be more harm than good. In her article on teenagers’ use of cell phones, Jean M Twenge points out several of the pros and cons of this new technology. Most of the effects from cell phones revolve around the fact that teens don’t get out of the house as much as previous generations. This trend is because most teens would rather be in their rooms and on their phones. There is no longer a need for a teenager to go see their friends when they can simply shoot them a text. Statistics show that the majority of friendly interactions by today’s teens are through technology. Not only are they beginning to lack social skills in a face to face situation, teenagers are also less likely to get a part-time job then they were ten years ago and it is often encouraged by parents. The main driving factor of this is allowing teens to have more time to do homework and to study, however, statistics have also revealed that today’s teens spend less time on homework than the other generations that came before. Anti-socialism and perhaps laziness are not the only problems with current teenagers. The percentage of depression in teens has increased drastically, and the teen suicide rate has skyrocketed. Cell phones are mostly to blame for the negative affect on teens’ social abilities and damaging their mental and emotional health.
The first advantage of people who use cell phones are that they are able to communicate with their families, and friends and for work. People of my father’s generation didn’t have cell phones, so whenever my father wanted to contact his family and friends who lived in different places, he would either write a letter to them or he would record his voice on a cassette and they would reply after days or months. These days when I call him on his cell phone any time I want, he says, “I am so happy,