Why do people treat others so horribly? It is an age old question, so why do people treat others so horribly? It has so many answers. There are so many parts to this question. The way everyone thinks is so different
So why do people treat others horribly? One possible answer is power. When some people are in power that might get to their head. So many people in power have treated other human beings worse than they would treat an animal. One example is Hitler, when he gained power he stated the Holocaust. Another example is how the leaders of North Korea are now.
Another possible answer is because they did not look or act like them. There is so many wars, protest,and horror stories because people were treated differently because they did not
This same concept is seen throughout human society, as historically we have viewed people who look different than us as monsters. For example, during the African-American Civil Rights movement, African-American people were discriminated against because their skin color was different. In the 1870s, the Jim Crow Laws were
Have you ever be so mistreated because of who you are? I'm sure you have been. Nat Turner was also mistreated, just because of who he was. Nat was a slave. He had enough of slavery, so he decided to do something about it. In the August of 1831, Nat got his revenge. “Since the commencement of 1830, I had been living with Mr. Joseph Travis, who was to me a kind master and placed the greatest confidence in me; in fact, I had no cause to complain of his treatment of me.”
Module Overview: Part 1 Why people do harm to others? •
Because according to them, they were “bad” people. “When I read all the names I felt that was very good company to be in. But it certainly did stir things up, I'll tell you that.” (“Tales of The Lost Year¨) Why did it stir things up might you ask? Because they didn’t believe in different races coming together to be friends. From my perspective they just thought black people were bad people because they were different colors from everyone else. People these days are best friends with all kinds of different races. People in 2015 don’t think there is a thing wrong with people being friends with other races which there’s not. In this world today there’s a lot of stuff wrong with the world, but one thing that’s not wrong is people being friends with other
I have always wondered why do they treat us like they way they do? What is the real problem?
They had no equality and were considered a piece of
because of skin color and some because of religion. The people who go through racism are scarred for
Back then, blacks were not treated well. There had not been the Civil Rights Movement yet and the blacks were just not accounted
All human beings, from birth to death, have an evil part of them used to survive hidden deep inside their mind. This is evident in babies who can seem innocent but really have a selfish attitude towards others since their only goal in life is to have their needs met. Evidence of this being true can be found in William Golding’s The Lord of The Flies and the film adaptation of The Hunger Games. Mankind is inherently evil but civilization changes us, we always go back to our evil side, and without a good government or set of rules we all become savages.
Humans are so evil.We are the most vicious species in this earth.William Golding is an author That wrote “The Lord of the Flies” and an article “Why do boys become Vicious?”.Also when Golding was writing the Lord of the Flies, the creator (Rod Serling) of the popular t.v series “The Twilight Zone “ has an episode named “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” which it synthesizes it into the same theme which is humans are evil one they get influence of fear.
Fast food chains promote eating animals, cosmetic brands sell makeup that infected or even blinded small rodents. But who said this was okay? When life became stable, the nomadic movement stopped, and the industrial revolution boomed people used so much and did not realize the repercussions. It was then that birds were hunted and killed for the feathers on hats as a fashion statement, which resulted in the extinction of the Plume. Why were humans once in love with animals as children, yet grow up to be harmful towards them? A change in thoughts, feelings, or actions because of group pressure is known as conformity (Huffman). Humans can not stray from conforming to the group pressure around them. As humans evolved their thoughts changed, they got smarter and stronger becoming the most intelligent being. Somewhere along the lines, humans began thinking that harming an animal for the resources it will provide gives the human race the one up strategy. However, some may say cruelty is a part of human nature. In recent studies science has shed light on this question, and the main culprit at works seems to be envy. The more we envy someone, the more pleasure we derive when that person meets some horrid end (Shammas 2013). So at some extent we may envy the animals around us, maybe their kind nature, their ability to fight for their own. At some point
discriminated them because they came from Africa. However, this wasn’t the main reason for this.
For example, back in the day people were not treated correctly because of their race or their religion which is crazy to think because people were not treated the same for who they were.But as bad as it is it did happen black people were sold into slavery and were treated unevenly and even after slavery they were not treated the same. Another key point, and just as bad was when the jewish people were treated in despicable ways and this happen for believing in something and who they are.
This is due to the racism they experienced many years ago. As a result programs called affirmative action have been implemented to make sure that people of a skin color other than that of white are given equal opportunities, when in fact all these programs do is make it unfair to others.
There will always be those in the world seeking to control others, those who seek to manipulate others for their own selfish benefit. Such people are often considered a plague to society, nonetheless they are people. no matter how deceitful, how abusive, and how toxic they may be, they are still living, breathing individuals to which humanity has the moral obligation to help. Unfortunately, kindness doesn't always work, and an alternative method must be used. Manipulative people should not continually be treated with kindness at the expense of the non-manipulative person, rather they should be treated tough love and stout but careful words.