
Possible Underlying Determinant Of Depressive Disorder

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An Analysis of Possible Underlying Determinant of Depressive Disorder in Eastern Europe
According to the data collected by WHO in 2012, in Eastern Europe the suicide rate is equal or greater than 15 suicides per 100,000 populations, which is more severe than other parts of the world. There have been studies done by researchers in different institutes discussing the factors that cause this phenomenon.
The countries in Eastern Europe were once know as the United Soviet Socialist Republic, which was formed soon after Vladimir Lenin seized power in 1922. In 1991, due to political and economic mismanagement, the union collapsed under General Mikhail Gorvachev. Many split countries began constructing democratic institutions and …show more content…

In this study of population samples from these three Eastern European countries, strong associations between depressive symptoms and effort-reward imbalance at work is found, as well as material deprivation and marital status. There were also weak associations between depression and education and history of unemployment. But depression was not associated with job control after controlling for socioeconomic factors.
Depressive Symptoms in Urban Population Samples in Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic
This is another study done by Pikhart and his colleagues to investigate the rates and distributions of depressive disorder in urban population in the three Eastern European countries. With the same method of cross-sectional studying, the results show the prevalence of depressive disorder differs between genders. In men, the prevalence was 23% in Russia, 21% in Poland and 19% in the Czech Republic; in women the percentages were 44% in Russia, 40% in Poland, and 34% in the Czech Republic. In general, women scored higher on depression scale than men did. The study also indicated that depressive disorder were positively associated with material deprivation, marital status (being unmarried), and drinking status

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