Matthew Sylvester is thrilled to begin his second year at NCA. Born and raised in Central Georgia (Perry), Mr. Sylvester began college his senior year of high school through the Georgia HOPE Scholarship ACCEL program. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Education in 2014 through the newly consolidated Middle Georgia State College (now University) and went on to earn his Master of Education in Secondary Education with a concentration in English Education from Georgia Southern University.
Prior to joining NCA, Mr. Sylvester worked as an admissions recruiter and then as an undergraduate academic advisor for his undergraduate alma mater. He is dedicated to improving the opportunities of youth post-high school and he believes literacy is key
Shenitta Niles is on her third semester at Roxbury Community College. She got her high school diploma back in 2011 from Charles Town high school. She originally started out at Bunker Hill Community College, but later transferred to Roxbury Community College due to the low cost, convenience and transportation. Although she is a mother of a young child, she attends the college full time pursuing a major in early childhood education. Constantly being around her daughter and other young children has inspired her to pursue that career. She isn’t sure on the type of field she hopes to work at once she finishes her associate’s degree, but she will continue on to a four year college pursuing this path. Nevertheless, a long term goal of hers is to
Dr. Charleyse Pratt serves as the assistant vice president of multicultural affairs and engagement of Cleveland state university. In this role her primary responsibilities include coordinating Learning Communities Programs and Partnerships at Cleveland State as well as directing initiatives for the Cleveland Transfer Connection. The transfer connection partnership is with Cuyahoga county Community College’s where students are able to begin associate or undergraduate studies to earn a degree and then transfer to Cleveland State to complete the four-year baccalaureate degree. The Cleveland Transfer Connection (CTC) at Tri-C and Cleveland State University is a Learning Communities program unique to Cleveland because it provides services from two institutions and offers two degrees (an Associate’s and a Bachelor’s) in one community of students. Dr Pratt’s driving philosophy is to create opportunities while disarming challenges for students who have a desire to gain an education but now need the preparation to be successful in a classroom. Her approach is student-centered support, leadership training and resource management to better navigate the academic journey toward graduation.
A first generation college student, Roshaunda Breeden is currently the Assistant Director for the TRIO Talent Search program. She humbly earned two degrees from NC State in Psychology and Africana studies and a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Georgia. While on her journey through higher education, Roshaunda has been privileged to work at Spelman College, North Carolina Central University, and her beloved NC State University. A scholar, educator, and trailblazer, Roshaunda’s life goal is to continue to serve those who never thought college was an
I plan to carry the torch his hard work and dedication lit many years ago. My aspiration is to obtain a B.A. in Mass Communications and Non-Profit Management. This accomplishment will better my chances to achieve what I believe is my God-given purpose: to work with and encourage the academic and personal achievements of underserved youths my community. There is a need to continually educate and motivate my community, and like William Hooper Councill, I have an internal persistence for success that will not stop until needs are met and goals are
Also, Russ (2013) stated, “children and youth of Prince George’s County face many challenges, and the solution requires action on the part of the entire community. Philanthropists, Businesses, School Leaders, and Policymakers are called to take action to end our disconnected youth crisis and ensure all students graduate high school, college and career ready.” In addition, educating our youth must begin early in a child’s development life, simply because this period provides a foundation for learning and social development resulting in
When I was accepted into the Rappahannock Scholars program in the school year of 2013-2014, I began to think differently and transitioned into a mature young adult. Before entering the program, I had considered the academic qualifications to get into college to be the most important. This program, and the advisor, taught me that colleges look for more than just academic interests. They are also interested in work experiences, leadership opportunities, club memberships, and honors and awards.
For this paper, I decided to focus my attention on one population that I am potentially interested in working with, which are high school students. The first person I interviewed was a ninth-grade counselor at Alain Leroy Locke College Prepartory Academy. The second person I interviewed was a College Adviser, placed through USC, at Diego Rivera Learning Complex. While the first interview was conducted on site at Locke, the second interview was conducted on campus at USC. For both interviews, I came equipped with my questions already printed out and ready for me to write my interviewees responses down. In discussing the challenges that both the counselor and adviser experience in terms of learning, it is important to first understand the population of students that both professionals work with. While both schools are in South Los Angeles, Diego Rivera Learning Complex is a part of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), while Alain Leroy Locke is run by Green Dot Public Schools—even though it is still within LAUSD boundaries. Both schools have a primarily minority and low-income population.
The film King Arthur overall is a pretty accurate depiction on what actually happened in history. The only turn in events that may not go with the groove of history, is the controversial idea that King Arthur is not a real person. King Arthur is known to be a legend, and a legend is a traditional story that is sometimes popularly regarded as historical, but not proven or validated. There are people out in the world that believe Arthur is a heroic symbol of a group of people. A group of people that conquered the Saxons and that Arthur is just the overall big picture of everything that had happened. Then there are people that believe that Arthur is a real person, and he did everything that is shown to us in the film, and he actually lived the
After reading Sonja Ardoin’s (2014) “the strategic guide to shaping your student affairs career” book, I read a variety of important content that has allowed me to reflect not only in my fieldwork position, as an Advising Assistant for the Puente Program, but also my current status as a graduate student in the Educational Counseling program.
As a former mentor for ABC Learn, a non-profit agency providing additional literacy training to at-risk students, I was taught to take pride in building a strong relationship with the students and families who face numerous problems from social and economic integration.
1. According to the article, why do the authors think that traditional litigation methods have not been wholly successful in California?
Early College High School at Delaware State University is a place to save time and money, and earn up to at least 60 college credits in high school. If I were to describe ECHS in one sentence, I would say that they move very quickly, but are very helpful. Although this school is very helpful there is a downfall, that downfall is that they are unorganized. One thing that made my 9th grade year here at The Early College High School at Delaware State University more smoothly was that some of my teachers had a sense of humor which made the environment feel a lot more positive and it made me feel comfortable that this school isn’t severely strict. The components of College Readiness at the Early College High School at Delaware State University
I went into the High Heel Drag Race having no idea what to expect. Although I was somewhat familiar with drag, I’d never been to a show before, and what I saw was an incredibly lively and enthusiastic celebration of sexuality and sensuality. I felt like I was part of something unique and closed-off, that and that anything was allowed in spirit of the performance. My observations that evening have led me to view the whole experience through the lens of Victor Turner’s anthropological perspective on ritual and drama. His perspective is revealing in the discussion of this particular event because it displays how symbols and rituals are intertwined and how these events even come into
Goal: "Supports research designed to improve the quality of health care; conducting research that provides evidence-based information on healthcare outcomes, quality, cost, use, and access"(Burns & Grove, 2011, p. 15).
My passion towards working with students every day has led me to the decision of pursuing a doctoral degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education at Miami University. I have chosen this program to prepare myself for a future role as a professor or a senior level college administrator. This program will allow me to become more proficient within the students’ educational experience and therefore better engage students in active learning.