
Post High School Life Essay

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Graduating Essentials

High school walks us by our hand, babysitting us while in our teens, up until our post-high school life when we are thrown into the tough reality of our adult life. High schools should teach four essential life skills that will prepare a teen for their future post-high school adult life. These four essential life skills are made up of money handling in order to figure out how to spend and save money efficiently, secondly credit score because it helps with critical decisions young adults will make such as knowing and deciding if buying or financing a house or car is possible, thirdly general maintenance regarding basic car repair to household fixes to help lower repair bills, and lastly critical thinking skills that will occur in inevitably situations. These four critical life skills are essential skills that will assist and prepare a …show more content…

A young adult may be shocked to learn that a credit score can either set you on the right track when financing or undermine your finances. The graduate should learn how to maintain a great credit score and have the knowledge of the results it comes with. A credit score can help the adult determine how much interest is going to be applied when making big purchases. Furthermore it can also help the adult if there's ever any intention of buying a car or house. Unfortunately a high school does not teach students the benefits of good credit, or how to even maintain good credit as a result of lack of knowledge this can cause young graduates to pass their credit limit and have a bad record of credit score. Students are only taught how to work with interest percentages, seeing how much a price drops or increases, but never taught the practical use of a credit card. Due to never being taught about credit the young graduate has a higher chance of going over the set limit and setting damage to their credit

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