Graduating Essentials
High school walks us by our hand, babysitting us while in our teens, up until our post-high school life when we are thrown into the tough reality of our adult life. High schools should teach four essential life skills that will prepare a teen for their future post-high school adult life. These four essential life skills are made up of money handling in order to figure out how to spend and save money efficiently, secondly credit score because it helps with critical decisions young adults will make such as knowing and deciding if buying or financing a house or car is possible, thirdly general maintenance regarding basic car repair to household fixes to help lower repair bills, and lastly critical thinking skills that will occur in inevitably situations. These four critical life skills are essential skills that will assist and prepare a
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A young adult may be shocked to learn that a credit score can either set you on the right track when financing or undermine your finances. The graduate should learn how to maintain a great credit score and have the knowledge of the results it comes with. A credit score can help the adult determine how much interest is going to be applied when making big purchases. Furthermore it can also help the adult if there's ever any intention of buying a car or house. Unfortunately a high school does not teach students the benefits of good credit, or how to even maintain good credit as a result of lack of knowledge this can cause young graduates to pass their credit limit and have a bad record of credit score. Students are only taught how to work with interest percentages, seeing how much a price drops or increases, but never taught the practical use of a credit card. Due to never being taught about credit the young graduate has a higher chance of going over the set limit and setting damage to their credit
High schools do not focus enough on college readiness. “Our findings suggest that high schools have prioritized credit accrual necessary for graduation over knowledge and skill development that would prepare students for
Many college students face this same struggle of deciding the rest of their future right out of high school. Unfortunately, freshman college students are under educated about their finances and tend to over borrow when they come to college. Student loan debt is a major problem in America that could easily be fixed by educating students before they are allowed to borrow large sums of money.
Over the years, the cost of college has hastily increased and the students of this time face a lot of prices to pay; the main two expenses to pay include tuition and living. According to an article by Laitinen, “more than two-thirds of students graduate with debt. And the average amount of debt owed is about $30,000.” (“College Credit? Kill that”) This means that the average person who attends college--whether it be a community, public four-year, or private four-year school—graduates with $30,000 in debt. The amount of debt that these students have when graduating from school is highly important because not only is it debt in general, but it also contributes to future issues the students may have in their financial lives. For example, “…an
Many students are uneducated about student loans. When I say uneducated I mean that they have no idea what type of loan is best for them, how much they need to borrow, or where to get the loan. There are many resources out there about student loans, but there are not any requirements to review them before taking out a loan. Students are not required to have any knowledge about how the loans work. Students need to have the correct knowledge when applying for a loan, otherwise they may end up with too much debt or the wrong type of loan. A student should not start off their life outside of college in unnecessary debt.
In 2010 student debt has increased to $830 billion. That is more than credit card debt. Graduating with such high debt is hurting students in the long run with jobs, making large purchases and stimulating the economy. The author gathered information from books, articles and studies. Even though she has a degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences. She has done other articles on “School Reform” and “Regulating Credit Cards.” This article is going to work best for people finding out more information on student loan debt and how it is affecting graduates after college. This resource shows a point of view from an educational and government stand point. There is a pie graph that shows what type of loans make up Financial Aid and a bar chart the show the
Over the years, the cost of college has hastily increased and the students of this time face a lot of prices to pay; the main two expenses to pay include tuition and living. According to an article by Laitinen, “more than two-thirds of students graduate with debt. And the average amount of debt owed is about $30,000.” (“College Credit? Kill that”) This means that the average person who attends college--whether it be a community, public four-year, or private four-year school—graduates with $30,000 in debt. The amount of debt that these students have when graduating from school is highly important because not only is it debt in general, but it also contributes to future issues the students may have in their financial lives. For example, “…an
Although the reliance on student loans continues to increase for college students across the nation, the vast majority of American teenagers are not required to attend and complete a Financial Literacy course before graduating high school. According to Jillian Berman, only five states scored an A on the 2015 Report Card on State Efforts to Improve Financial Literacy in High Schools, and those same five states are the only states in the country that require students to take a dedicated semester of personal finance courses before graduating ( There is an obvious problem with the state efforts to properly educate finances when 14 out of 50 states rank in at a failing grade. Money is an essential asset to life on Earth, and proper education on financial management is vital for the basic requirements to sustain life. Education on how to manage money in order to afford food, shelter, clothing should be the main priority of the Financial Literacy courses. More in-depth are topics
Money is a necessity in life and is a constant worry for college students especially when you take out a $10,000 loan. Financial aid has replaced studying as the biggest worry for college students. The objective of college is to learn and grow as a person, but is limited by financial capabilities which is a big problem for the U.S. education system and prices continue to go up. Main focus is having to focus on rigorous studying, students may also have to work to stay in school. A student is paying college through a $10,000 loan and working a part time job 20 hours a week. John wonders if getting a credit card will help him financially. The best solution is to attain a credit card that has student benefits included and will make it easier to protect and keep track of your money.
Everyone at some point in their lives has read a classic fairytale. Many people do not realize the intense back stories and unusual ideas that societies may produce and infiltrate into these stories that are then passed down. One such story is Hansel and Gretel. There is a dramatic escape from the witch’s gingerbread house where Gretel is considered to be forced to shove her in the fire. When reading this story, many people think that Gretel’s act was that of defense. She is such an innocent little girl who seems to think nothing of it at the time. What is revealed by the author of a poem titled Gretel in Darkness, is very different from many reader’s original.
Students do not have the education needed to use credit cards responsibly. Nellie Mae (August 2007) states
The day had finally come. I was told that I could finally live happily and free in the great country of America. Poland will always be my home, but it was time that I can live happily as I was told, I was able to immigrate with my brothers,mother, and my old and feeble grandmother. My father was already in America with my grandfather. It has been two years and four months since I had last saw him. I write him everyday and boy oh boy was I ready to let him hug me tighter than ever.
College is a great opportunity that I am blessed to be going through today. I see it as an opportunity to grow as a person and set myself up for the future I want. The success I have in the future will be greatly affected by how I do in college.
I’ve just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I know myself better then anyone else, and I won’t let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in. Choosing a major can be a
The production of electricity through the combustion of coal is one of the oldest and cheapest methods to produce electricity. Coal supplies are plentiful and will be available to produce electricity for hundreds of years. While conventional supplies of oil and natural gas are expected to run out in the near future. This has cause a growth in nuclear power. Through out this report one will also learn the disadvantages and advantages to coal burning power plant and how they operate.
People who are nostalgic about childhood, were obviously never children. Few people can remember the truth about adolescence. Their minds "censor" their memories; and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and responsibilities. Well let me say this, you couldnOt be more wrong if you had a lobotomy. There aren't that many adults around who realise what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People don't remember those problems because they want to forget them.