
Post-Operative Home Exercise Report

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Post-Operative Home Exercise Program
Phase I (pre-functional): Maximum protection phase
Day 1 post-op – 4 weeks
1. Pendulum exercise
While standing, bend forward and let your affected arm hang loosely. Prop the unaffected arm on a table or place your hand in the seat of a chair, to maintain balance. Relax your shoulder and initiate swinging of the arm by moving your upper body forwards and backwards, side to side, and in a circle.
*Complete each of these three movements for 2-3 minutes, 3 times a day.

2. Cross-body stretch
While sitting or standing, stretch affected arm across the chest towards the opposite shoulder. With the unaffected arm, apply pressure to the elbow towards the chest.
*Complete this stretch three …show more content…

Grab the other end of the band with your affected arm. With your thumb towards the ceiling, squeeze your shoulder blades and slowly raise the resistance band to just above shoulder level – keeping the band halfway between the front and side of your body. Hold here for five seconds and repeat 10 times. *Complete exercise three times a day.
2. Scapular retraction
This exercise can be performed in standing or seated position. With the resistance band securely anchored in the middle just above shoulder level, grab a hold of both ends with each hand. Bend arms to shoulder level and bend elbows, hands up towards the ceiling. With arms in this position, squeeze your shoulder blades as you slowly pull the bands back. Hold here for five seconds and repeat 10 times.
*Complete exercise three times a day.

3. Dynamic closed-chain

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