
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )

Decent Essays

Being exposed to trauma is very common and can very well lead to post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD for short. It is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States because of the amount of people exposed to trauma. A traumatic event such as being in a war can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. War veterans have seen all sorts of horrors, such as friends and co-soldiers being slaughtered, guns, bombs, loud noises, and violence; as well as any injuries the veteran may have gone through. One example of this is the veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan war. According to what I have read in “Nearly a Fifth of War Veterans Report Mental Disorders”, the Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans seem pretty stubborn. Although one in five soldiers report symptoms of PTSD, only fifty-three percent of those members actually sought treatment; and of those fifty-three percent only about half got “minimally adequate treatment.” The members that report symptoms make up nineteen percent of the soldiers deployed pre 2008 (Alverez). However, in 2007, “Army soldiers who had been home for several months found that seventeen percent of active-duty troops and twenty-five percent of reservists had screened positive for symptoms of stress disorder” (Alverez). Although the likelihood of PTSD, many solders said they might have experienced brain injury, causing there PTSD like symptoms. “Yet a majority of those troops had never been evaluated for such an injury” (Alverez).

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