
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Research Paper

Decent Essays

General Description of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, this disorder develops after a person at any age has suffered a traumatic incident. Incidences can be caused by any type of event, triggering PTSD by personally experiencing a trauma (near death experience), being a witness to a trauma (vehicle accident) and those having to deal with the aftermath of a trauma (EMT, Police). These are just a few examples. PTSD can be rated in 3 Phases, 1) Acute Phase: if symptoms last less than 3 months. 2) Chronic Phase: if symptoms last more than 3 months. 3) Delayed-Onset: if the symptoms last 6 months after the trauma. An episodic attack (flashback) can last a couple of seconds, to as long as 30 minutes. This is caused when a person feels threatened while feeling helpless in a place of unknown environment. Signs and symptoms: Emotional Symptoms leading to depression, worry, intense guilt, numbness, loss of interest in previous enjoyed activities, insomnia, intense guilt, Physical Symptoms, if emotional symptoms like depression, worry, insomnia, guilt, tension are left untreated manifestations can start to show physical ailments. Higher rates of Neurological (cognition: Executive Functioning), Respiratory (lack of exercise/sleep for …show more content…

Employers are wary of employing veterans with the assumption of residual mental health issues. Self-Care impacts personal hygiene when a person falls into depression, their energy and motivation are at a point of non-existance this is cause by a chemical imbalance in the brain. All of the Executive Functioning is compromised. Leisure impacts activities, because of all the consequential symptoms associated with PTSD, previously enjoyed activities no longer become enjoyable.. Relationships/Social Interaction also suffer, victims usually want to isolate themselves and family/friends are discouraged not knowing how to respond to the

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