Functions of the Posterior Parietal Cortex: According to Chapter 8, it mentions how, "the posterior parietal cortex plays an important role in integrating two kinds of information such as; in directing behavior by providing spatial information and in directing attention" (Chapter 8, pg. 191). Chapter 8, also mentions how "electrical stimulation to the inferior portions of the posterior parietal cortex, the patients experienced an intention to perform a certain activity and felt they actually performed it but in reality no action really occurred" (Chapter 8, pg. 192). In regards to TMS case studies in humans, it mentions how "that the posterior parietal cortex contains a mosaic of small areas that specializes certain movements such as; eyes,
This video is about The Behaving Brain; it explains how the brain and amnesia work. According to the video, neurons duties are to receive information from other cells, process this information, and transmitting it to the rest of the body. This is done by traveling through dendrites, to the soma, to the axon, to the terminal buttons. Constant nerve flow helps regulate our metabolism, temperature, and respiration. It also enables learning and the ability to comprehend. The brain is connected to the brain stem, which is connected to the cerebellum, which is connected to the limbic system. The limbic system is made up of the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and thalamus. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, where things are
1. The occipital lobe is responsible for allowing visual stimulus to be understood by the mammals experiencing it. It can be argued that by lesioning the occipital lobe within the pigeon, she is impairing the lobe and therefore, the pigeon would be unable to determine a moving stimulus. In turn, one could say that the occipital lobe does play a role in motion detection, as motion detection is visually observed. However, this experiment doesn't necessarily draw one solid conclusion for whether or not the occipital lobe is responsible for motion detection. There are many pathways within the brain that are interconnected and complex. It seems too black and white to conclude that the occipital lobe is the main region of the brain responsible
While on patrol, I was parked in the entrance to Mansard's plaza, facing E Ridge Rd, monitoring traffic. A female in a silver pickup truck pulled into the lot and flagged me down. The female pointed towards a white and maroon Corvette traveling east on Ridge Rd and stated that she believes the driver may be intoxicated. I immediately pulled onto Ridge Rd and got behind the Corvette. As I was following the Corvette east on Ridge, another vehicle with a male driver pulled up to the side of me and shouted out the window, "That guy is drunk". I then observed the Corvette to weave from the outside lane to the center lane, without signaling. The vehicle then abruptly swerved back into the outside lane, without signaling. The vehicle then came to
The system consists of the eyes where the information is collected, geniculate lateral nucleus and visual cortex. The visual cortex could be subdivided into the primary visual cortex and the striate cortex. This sensory system is located at the back of a brain parts of which are located in both hemispheres. Recent studies obtained a sufficient amount of information in order to construct the two-stream hypothesis, which describes the ventral and dorsal streams. The ventral stream begins at the primary visual cortex and goes to the inferior temporal cortex. Main functional responsibilities of this area include identification of objects and the emergence of the long-term memory the origins of which are placed in this area (Rauschecker, Josef P and Sophie K. Scott 722). Dorsal stream also begins at the primary visual cortex and ends at the posterior parietal cortex. It is mainly responsible for the body part control required in order to manipulate an object. The research shows that these "what" and "why" systems are not directly related, and the damage in one affect the other only to a certain extent. It could be explained by the fact that that input is transformed differently via action and
The prefrontal cortex is the most anterior region of the frontal lobe. It occupies one-third of the cerebral cortex and is key for executive functions such as problem solving, working memory, and emotional control. It is also crucial in decision making and the expression of personality. The prefrontal cortex is imperative for efficient cognitive functioning; damage can result in severe impairment to skills such as emotional regulation, moral behavior, and empathy.
The prefrontal cortex plays a major key role in Neurocognitive Networks of impulsivity and transition to addiction. The cortex regulates the reward and its involvement in higher-order executive functions, such as self-control, goal oriented behavior, and response inhibition. According to “Goldstein and Volkow” reviewed neuroimaging data of specific prefrontal cortex regions and their roles in neuropsychological mechanisms that underlie the relapsing cycle of addiction. Focusing on inhibitory control and emotion regulation, there are two different prefrontal regions, which are implicated in a higher order cognitive process (cold), and ventral PFC regions subsuming the ventral OFC, ventromedial PFC and rostroventral ACC, which are triggered during
Also the fMRI studies do not prove the area of activation is necessary for particular task unlike the TMS method. The TMS method uses a wand to send pulses through the skull and target a brain area and can inhibit it. Like that you can see if the area is necessary or if it could be displaced by one other area of the brain. So with the fMRI we can localize the area used for a task but can’t know if we could also accomplish this task without tis particular area.
Alzheimer’s is a progressive and deteriorating condition that affects the brain`s nerve cells, resulting in the declining of mental functions. Posterior Cortical Atrophy is referred to as the loss of brain cells within the outer layer of the brain, mainly affecting the area in the back of the head, where visual information is processed.
Today in society, not being able to pray in school, having God in the pledge of allegiance, and having rules about religious expressions are causing big controversial issues in public schools. As Americans, expressing religious beliefs freely is a given. The right to freedom of religion was guaranteed to U.S. citizens since 1791. Although in some cases, not having religion in schools are reasonable, but ultimately it is wrong and immoral. By not allowing religion to be freely declared in public schools, discrimination, bullying, and ignorance will come about. Students should not be in an environment where teachers are against them. Public schools and Americans need to help make a difference.
Depending on time, culture and circumstances, people move through the vast stages of their lives in diverse and unique ways. While some cultures emphasise the importance of childhood development, others represent adolescence as a time of momentous change and maturity. On the other hand, some societies give no acknowledgement to adolescence at all. This is the study of the life course. From a sociological standpoint, the life course is a method of analysing how social customs change with age and development. The study of the life course is a relatively young one; first being introduced in the 19th century (reference). Consequentially, much of its interest lies in the recent developments regarding youth and—more specifically—adolescence.
The experiment described in the article used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to alter brain activity in two parts of the prefrontal cortex, the dorsomedial and dorsolateral. According to the article, the prefrontal cortex is believed to help people resist temptations and make complex judgements. Patients were asked to split ten dollars with a person pictured on a screen. As a result, TMS disruption in the prefrontal cortex led to patients giving more money, than those that experienced disruption in unrelated motor areas. Furthermore, participants were shown the annual income of the recipient. Disrupting the two parts of the prefrontal cortex produced two different, specific outcomes. Those whose dorsomedial prefrontal cortex was disrupted gave additional money to recipients with lower incomes, whereas participants whose dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was disrupted gave money
Hickock argues that in one study, only 15% of neurons discharged upon execution and observation of the same action; the sound of a peanut shell being cracked (Kholer et al., 2002). He states that the rationale to this is based on the mirror neurons assisting, action-understanding; their activity would demonstrate that they understood the meaning of the observed action. Hicock, (2009) argues against this as 85% of neurons did not fire. Rizzolatti (2001) himself, states 'the findings of MNS did not rule out other possible neurons and brain areas for activation based on biological movement'. This leads Hicock to propose that the alternative explanation may be the Superior temporal sulcus area as neurons in this area resemble the structure and design of MNS and do respond to some actions. Hicock adds, however that there is insufficient evidence to conclude this. Hicock,(2009) also argues that it cannot be assumed that the MNS in monkeys cannot be transferred directly to Humans as it may not be designed in the same way. He then argues that there is no evidence of action-understanding in monkeys, and thus we cannot assume action-understanding in humans. It is noted that Hickoks belief that
If we measure the brain activity, it can be possible for us to determine the way we think, memory, emotions. To measure brain’s activity you have to know the pattern of activity that is connected with each object, memory, or way of thinking. In the study mentioned in the first reading it shows the power of fMRI that measured, the response to each picture, that was presented to participants. I think it is really interesting how each brain activity was measured voxel to voxel. The importance of voxel was to determine which of them activated a specific picture, how strong activation was and what were the brain areas activated. So the main point was to determine what neural pattern was followed for each class of objects presented. The average accuracy
It is widely known that the brain perceives information before it reaches the consciousness of a person. But until now, there was little way to determine what specific mental tasks were taking place prior to the point of conscious awareness. That changed with the findings of scientists at Rutgers University in Newark and the University of California, Los Angeles have developed a highly accurate way to peer into the brain to uncover the mental state of a person and what kind of information
While the geopolitical construct of the world around appears to be the natural order, it had in fact been a world shaped by the countless forces of ideological change. Through the struggle of the revolutionaries, their ideologies endure and impact society today. Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794), a prominent character during the French Revolution created the notion of an ethnic identity during the revolution by generating the idea of a Frenchmen to further his goals through his Revolutionary Speech on the 5th February 1794. Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), the Party leader of the Chinese Communist Party advocated for a political change in his speech “Build Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” on the 30th June 1984 to allow for the improving of international relationships with its trading partners. Mikhail Gorbachev (b.1931), the head of the Soviet Union pushed for the increase economic liberation of the USSR to restore vigor into the failing Russian economy through his writing “From Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World” in 1986. These three men brought upon changes in society which has rippling effect in the world till this day. Looking at the works of the three men, they were similar in the economic factors that allowed for the ideology changes and the ultimate political aspect of the ideological changes. However, they differed in the use of force to achieve their ideological changes and the amount of political change they seek to invoke.