
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (Pots)

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Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

From the time we are born till the time we die there is a muscle inside of us that is the root of our existence, it’s a muscle so dominant that we can actually hear and feel it throughout our growth, daily activities, and emotions of our everyday life.
Inside our body there is a powerful muscular pump, which is known as the one of the main organs in the human body. This hollow, cone shaped, pump lies slightly left within the center of the chest called our heart. The heart is made up of different structures and actions in order for it to work, combined with a network of blood vessels form what we know as the cardiovascular system.
The heart size varies with body size pumping blood to …show more content…

Likewise, Blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle, and then is pumped to the lungs to receive oxygen. From the lungs, the blood flows to the left atrium, then to the left ventricle, forming the complete circulation.
All in all the heart is a vital organ we need to survive. And with each vessel and each valve working together give us the lubb-dupp sound we are all so familiar with making each heartbeat worth wile. But, what if the heart beat we are all familiar with suddenly had a change of pace from something that may seem small to us, but a big deal to others.
Standing up is something that we have been doing since we were kids it is something that most of us would take for granted. Since, our bodies automatically adjust to the pull of gravity by increasing vascular tone, heart rate and cardiac output, blood vessels contract, heart rates increase and our systolic blood pressure which is the blood pressure when the heart is contracting. It is specifically the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart, remains the same or decreases slightly while diastolic pressure which is the minimum arterial pressure during relaxation and dilatation of the ventricles of the heart when the ventricles fill with blood increases slightly (Brunner & Suddarth, 2000, p. 546). Our bodies operate in perfect homeostasis and we stand up with little effort. Yet, the

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