Future Research Plan In the next five years, I plan to leverage the resources available at Rutgers University with external funding to grow my research program. I plan to investigate exposures to newly developing or changing risks that are difficult to quantify and could have a major impact on society and industry. My research plans have two major thrusts: 1. Develop Exposure Platforms: Develop platforms and methodologies to accurately assess the exposure levels, and characterize the gaseous emissions and particulate matter. Some of the applications of the exposure platforms will be: i. Electronic cigarettes: Investigate the potential health effects of the e-cigarettes by focusing in particular to genotoxicity and their secondary effects on asthma, lung clearance etc. ii. Nano-Enabled Products exposure assessment: Investigation of exposures to nanomaterials during the manufacturing and the use of nano-enabled products. iii. Other exposures: By adapting the developed platforms, I plan to investigate other exposures that are in the interest of other faculty members, such as emissions from novel building materials (solvents, sealants etc), emissions from the application and or usage of textile. 2. Nano-Bio Interactions: Create novel platforms for the direct investigation of the nanoparticle-cell interactions, which are very important both to understand nanotoxicity and develop new Nanotoxicology assessment tools. Development of Exposure Platforms: To proper understand and
ACTIVITY 1 – Briefly discuss the 4 different methods of determining Scope 1 Emissions and why the first method is most appropriate for QEH.
There are many by products produced in the oil sands process, many of these are air emissions containing nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and volatile organic compounds. All of these have a detrimental effect on the ecological environment and the employees working around them. Suncor is utilizing complete Environmental Informational Management System (EIMS) implementation for air data for all assets, and investing in equipment and technology to achieve emission reductions. Suncor is continually generating air-related emissions data for reporting purposes, and continues to
In the past decade e-cigarettes industry has been growing quite rapidly. E-cigarettes were first created as a better alternative to the conventional tobacco cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. However, in todays society they have become a very popular commodity. Likewise, they are mostly used for mere pleasure and not what its original purpose was. Originally the sole purpose of e-cigarettes was to help wean their users off of the unhealthy drugs we all know as the conventional tobacco cigarettes (Dockrell, 1). But are they really the healthier alternative? Absolutely not. E-cigarettes are extremely unhealthy, used as a gate-way substitute, and also affect others who aren’t even directly using it!
The three methods included, an observational environmental scan (OES) (Hatch,1998), a literature review and informal stakeholder interviews (Crandall,1998).
Despite various claims via online websites and advertisements, electronic cigarettes are not a safe alternative to regular cigarettes. Often advertised as having no dangerous chemicals, many people would think that they are completely safe because of these misleading ads. However, electronic cigarettes still have toxic chemicals inside of them, and even more that are created when smoking them. The biggest reason cigarettes are addictive is because of a drug called “nicotine” inside of them. This drug creates a feeling of pleasure in the brain, but it is short lived, turning that pleasure into irritability and eventually addiction. Besides nicotine, e-cigs also have other ingredients such as aldehydes (which kills cells around the mouth and throat), nitrosamines (which can cause lung cancer), and even some metals. Because of these dangerous chemicals that are still present in electronic cigarettes, they are not a safe alternative to cigarettes, the presence of nicotine being the biggest reason.
"Suitable and sufficient" assessment includes determining the hazardous substances that are to be encountered, assessing the risks they present to health, calculating the quantity the duration and how frequently the substances are used, how hazardous they are and what the exposure routes and finally deciding on the action needed to prevent exposure or to reduce it as far as is reasonably practicable. This will also include the actions to be taken in an Emergency, to clear up any spills and to safely dispose of any residues. Except for the most trivial cases, the conclusions of this assessment must be recorded, made readily accessible and reviewed regularly.
Do you know a friend, or have a family member that uses an e-cigarette? The chances of a person has increased greatly. According to the American Lung Association,”both high school and middle school students e-cigarette usage has tripled in one year, increasing from 4.5% in 2013 to 13.4 % in 2014.” With the rising usage rates, e-cigs and their dangers associated with them are impacting more and more Americans everyday. While some people in America believe that electronic cigarettes are safe, Americans should be aware that electronic cigarettes have dangers, including addiction and harmful chemicals.
Electronic cigarettes have been around for about a decade. No one is sure of what havoc they can cause yet because of how new they are in existence. Throughout the past years more and more issues have been arising from this product that was originally assumed to be harmless. Now we are faced with the question are they really as safe as we thought or should increase investigation to see what they are really capable of. So far researchers have discovered many issues with the electronic cigarettes and every month more and more issues begin the surface the air. From explosion to toxic material. These issues will not only affect their
In conclusion, there are many risks associated with this investigation and we have only highlighted a few
• Further environmental considerations are made for ventilation and the use of sustainable technologies, and materials.
Are any of you are aware of the terminology of any medication taken or do you all simply take the medication because it was prescribed by a doctor? it is undeniable that drugs do save lives, but few prescription medications are completely free of risks or side effects. Naturally, the more drugs that are taken at the same time, the greater the risk of adverse interactions and potentially devastating side effects. This problem of “overmedication” is increasing to almost epidemic proportions among the elderly. For example, a recent Washington Post article that described an 83-year-old grandmother who wished to remain anonymous. The woman had been hospitalized for an asthma attack. In the hospital, she was prescribed
Apocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, details army captain Ben Willard’s adventure though the jungle to kill deranged Colonel Walter Kurtz. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, is set in the early 1890’s and presents Marlow’s curiosity for Kurtz; he travels through the Congo in search for him and witnesses the perils of imperialism and the effects it has on both the colonizers and the colonized. Although Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness are wholly different genres of timeless entertainment, they both present the dominant theme of man’s innate savagery and the ability to descent into madness when subject to the right conditions. Both works heavily emphasize the vulnerability that man has of falling under the spell of darkness.
With technological innovations happening everyday, many products are being created promoting health. Among these products is what is known as a e-cigarette. With no tobacco, tar, or even smoke, it has to be safe. Or is it? E-cigarettes were first introduced in 2006 as an alternative to smoking tobacco products. These e-cigarettes use vapor as opposed to smoke. The user still can receive their fill of nicotine with an added bonus of a flavor choice. With there first launch they weren 't seen as a breakthrough to many people and quickly was pushed aside. However, with growing technological advancements they have become a trending alternative to the normal cigarette. Many are quick to assume that the lack of actual tobacco results in a less dangerous product. But is it actually what it seems?
The development of a nation’s foreign policy strategy must be built with consideration of various components. Since there is no established world “leader”, multiple spheres of power and influence develop. One of the most inevitable factors affecting forging policy is location. The development of influence based simply on geographic location has not gone unnoticed from nations participating in global relations. In a consistently turbulent world, nations are constantly realizing their relevance on the world stage. Nations will often realize this relevance and continue to develop it for their benefit and political gain. The intersections of economic, social, political, and geographic connections result in strategy being developed solely on the location of a nation. When it comes to the importance of strategic location in relation to foreign policy, it is imperative that a nation implements strategic location when developing their foreign policy approach.
E-cigarette is believed to greatly reduce on the health effects associated with tobacco smoking. However, e-cigarette has been criticized as a leading cause of smoking among the youth due to its flavor as well as its novel appearance and campaigns. It is also believed to pose some health risks. Despite such drawbacks, e-cigarette has recently gained a lot of popularity and subsequent growth.