
Poverty Among Veterans Essay

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Poverty is the state of being extremely poor, meaning having little to no money, goods or means of support. Lacking basic living materials such as food ,clothes ,shoes, and a household. You may not be missing all of these but could could just be barely able to afford them. Poverty is a multidimensional issue that concerns a person’s level of health access and coverage, available educational opportunities and quality of life, according to the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative. “ The U.K.-based think tank released on Tuesday the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index, which helps provide a better understanding of the causes of poverty to better address the issue”(Caratao). Poverty among veterans in Charlotte North Carolina is overwhelming, because low veteran pay,lack of housing and poor medical care.
The index offers a more in-depth measure on poverty through a checklist of “deprivations.”OPHI classifies …show more content…

The most effective assistance is provided by community-based organizations that work within local networks offering a range of services from housing to continuing case management and counseling as the veteran proceeds through a detailed plan leading to self-sufficiency. Focus your efforts on supporting the homeless veteran service providers in your community, or become an active advocate to make sure veterans receive an appropriate share of the resources that are available to address and prevent homelessness in your area. Donate personal care items, clothing (new underwear, socks and T-shirts are always needed) and food, or make cash

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