
Poverty In America

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What is poverty? Poverty is not simply a matter of low income flow. Poverty can be generally categorized as the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support ( There are two types of Absolute poverty where individuals have no access to the basic necessities in life including food, water, clothing, shelter and Relative poverty occurs when people do not enjoy a certain minimum level of living standards as determined by a government that vary from country to country, sometimes within the same country (Brunswick and Canada, 2010).
Background/context to the issue
A families or individuals Poverty levels can be determined using the 1975 Henderson report, this report …show more content…

Poverty generates crime, broken families, drug addiction, illness, illiteracy and even more poverty and ultimately undermines the quality of life for everyone in an economy, not just the poor. Furthermore, there are addition hidden cost of poverty which include property loss, deteriorating real estate values, bodily injury, and increased public and private expenditures for insurance, law enforcement, court cases, prisons, and health care, plus the lost productivity of people who could be employed or more gainfully employed.(
Stakeholders (who us living in poverty or getting …show more content…

Welfare is a government program funded with taxpayer’s money and provides financial aid to individuals or groups who cannot support themselves. The Welfare system in Australia is a significant part of Government expenditure. However, these payments are often unable not enough to support people in order to make welfare tax more effective the government could increase top tax brackets so that more tax is gained from the wealthy this can seen through either a Reduction in threshold 50% tax on 100,000 of income instead of 150,000 or Increase in tax rate 50% on 100,000 instead of 45% on 100,000.
A cost-free solution to poverty can be found in non-monetary transfers, which involves providing the poor with goods and services which are often given through charities. these goods and services relive stress from families who cannot afford essentials such as food, water and clothing. The key to fixing poverty throughout not only Australia but the world would be by developing stronger communities and education. This can be seen in the form of better schools/education; Affordable housing; Quality health services; Employment opportunities and Public infrastructure. By doing so every individual would be given an opportunity to succeed in life. as they say You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a

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