
Poverty In Angela's Ashes

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Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt is a heartbreaking memoir novel in which the family suffers from poverty and hunger. The lives of McCourt's family are being darkened by the father, Malachy, who is responsible for what his family is going through. Frank, the oldest son takes over adults responsibly to help the family since he is dissatisfied from his father and when he is old enough he escapes to his long journey and away from his country, Ireland, for a better life. Year after year the mother, Angela, has babies but the father does not supply milk or food for them like all the babies should drink; this milk is the motherly love that she wants to offer to her children but she is unable. The babies are raised with water and sugar because the lack of money in the …show more content…

The father spends his money in the pubs, while his family at home starves for food and his daughter, Margaret, and the twins, Oliver and Eugene, die from lack of nourishment and spread of disease. Malachy's sickness not to worry about his family makes Angela's life miserable. The life for her is meaningless and she never smiles. The smiles from her had disappear while ago, but when Malachy receives the first paycheck she smiles for the first time in the novel (23). All her life is hanged on this paycheck and her children can fill their bellies with some food, while she "can hold her head up again" (23) when she pays back the shopkeepers. She is embarrassed when she owns money to the shopkeepers, but it is the only way to keep her children alive if she does not begg and own to the shopkeepers. The happiness from this paycheck appears only once in her face together with her smile, because Malachy never givers her another paycheck. All her dreams for the family, to have some food like everyone else around, are falling apart because the other paychecks from Malachy never arrive at home. He does not fill his family's

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