
Poverty In Applachia And Poverty

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Poverty in Appalachia 45 million of all Americans live below the poverty line. Poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support. A poverty line is a minimum income level used as an official standard, varying from state to state, for determining the proportion of a population living in poverty. Poverty exists worldwide, but is more popular in certain areas. In America we see poverty widely spread, but one very popular close to home example would be the poverty that lies within Appalachia. Appalachia is a large mountain region within the United States extending through “all of West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.” (Wonderopolis 1). Poverty is a big issue within all these states and many more thought the United States. Poverty levels can also affect the economy of these various states. With poverty also comes many aspects like welfare, the War on Poverty, economical impacts, BROC, etc. It is definitely something considered a worldwide problem existing for many years and unfortunately many years to come. Poverty is seen throughout our nation and more importantly all around our community, but is there a way to help reduce poverty levels, boost the economy, and help others? America has extremely high poverty rates, but they do fluctuate throughout the nation. Research has shown the differences

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