
Poverty In San Fernando Essay

Decent Essays

Poverty in San Fernando Poverty has affected the US in the past by various things, such as child poverty, crime and poverty, and etc. Statistics say that 1 in 5 Black Americans live in poverty and 1 in 4 Hispanics live in poverty. The city of San Fernando is one of the many cities of Los Angeles that suffers from poverty. San Fernando which is a city in the San Fernando valley, is diverse in race but mostly it’s hispanics that live there. Sadly many hispanics illegally cross the border to seek a better life but fail to do so. The San Fernando Valley has been around since September 8, 1797 that was a spanish mission. The area has always been a terrain of dirt and mountains surrounding oneself. Before it joined LA in 1915 the valley was almost like a town. Many farmers and loads of products. Hence the parts of the valley such a Calabasa and Orange County and etc. The San Fernando has a significant population below the poverty line. They do have places for people to stay for awhile but it isn't for that long. (www, states that, ¨Thank God that we have shelter for the moment, but it only lasts for so long,” Ventura said “They can only accommodate you for three months, unfortunately, because …show more content…

The percentage there is 17.4% that make in income of poverty line. 72.9% are hispanic there. Southside of San Fernando there is a population of 2,476 and 531 households. The percentage of income below poverty is 26.9%. 95.9% of the population there are hispanics. On the east and northside of San Fernando there is a population of 1,364 and 320 households. There is a percentage of 14.5% below the income of poverty. 95% are hispanic that live there. That means in total there is a 23.9% of poverty in San Fernando alone. Imagine how much more poverty there is among the whole U.S? My goal is to reduce poverty and not end it because poverty will never end due to other

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