
Power In 1984

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Governments do not fall on their own, that much is obvious. What is less considered is the process in which a ruling power falls. George Orwell, author of the dystopian novel 1984, testifies that there are four ways for a government to fall from power: “Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern.”¹ This information appears sound, and so the question is: Which of these caused the fall of Big Brother, former totalitarian regime of Oceania? The latter option is clearly impossible, as Big Brother’s ego and arrogance are too ardent to dissipate. The second is less likely, considering the apathy of the Proles. Their lives have changed little since the rise of Big Brother, so they have no grievances, and moreover they have the least amount of surveillance, which would be a gain. Probability dictates that the Proles would have no reason to change anything. Probability also suggests that being conquered “from without” is less than likely. Big Brother has been known to fabricate information in order to sway the …show more content…

It is they, after all, who work in the Ministries of Truth, Plenty, Peace, and Love. In many ways, it is they who control themselves. They are guided by a Big Brother, but one man—even if he should have a full cabinet of assistants, advisors, and secretaries—can hardly govern the population in so detailed a manner. So it would be the easiest for them to revolt. All they have to do is collectively quit their jobs, or decide to change their tasks in order to fit their agenda. For example, if one worked in the Ministry of Truth, they simply would not distribute Big Brother’s fantasies about himself. Or they might tell other lies, they might tell the truth—either way, the system is intrinsically

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