
Power In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Power Power is shown throughout the world in many people. Power is the energy within a person that allows them to control, influence, and lead people or something. Power goes back a far in history. It ranges from monarch leaders to leaders of today.This is shown in the Lord Of The Flies throught it’s characters and their actions. The Lord of the Flies illustrates power mostly through Piggy, Jack, and Ralph. The Lord Of The Flies, also shows the rise and fall of power in these key character. The novel also shows teens that there is good and positive ways to gain power. There can also be the lesson that power can be easily taken away.The novel brings in both sides of the hard truth of power like how it can be bad if misused or good if used correctly for the right things. This can mainly be shown by Jack and Ralph. Ralph shows inner power and outer power. He has a fall of power in some cases First, he gets power by getting the conch and calling all of the survivors to him. …show more content…

First, he uses fear and intimidation to control the other boys. Then, he tortures the boy’s if they don’t stand in line with what he says. This is shown on page 159 and 160, which says,”He’s going to beat Wilfred. The newly beaten and untied Wilfred was sniffling noisily in the background.” Jack tortures Wilfred for nothing and does this to keep other boy’s in line because he got mad. He basically uses a lot of fear to control people and to gain power. Thirdly, he get’s power in one good way when he gets the position as leader over the Hunters by Ralph. He takes this chance to have more power. He get’s more power because he hunts for the groups food and watches the fire. This helps him make a faction of his own and take power from Ralph. Jack shows teens that fear and intimidation are the worst ways to gain power even though it was useful forn Jack, it did not benifit the boys as a whole. They were hurt and abuse by Jack and his

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