Could people's craving for power ruin that person and the people around them? Power most certainly could ruin friendships, relationships, families, and even communities. I will now explain how power is the most important role in the play Macbeth written William Shakespeare, and it changed many people's emotions, friendships, and trust for one another. I think power was the inevitable goal of the entire play. The real question is, how from do some people go to achieve power versus others? That's where the conflict comes into this play. The ultimate goal and conflict for the play Macbeth, was the craving for the most power. First I'd like to explain how far some people would go for the ownership of power. A great of example of this would be
In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, power is something that everyone craves, but, for Macbeth, power makes him woeful. Macbeth shows how terrible he is when more opportunities of power are introduced to him. Several bad reflections are, Macbeth kills his king Duncan to become the king of Scotland, appointing people to kill his best friend Banquo and his son Fleance to shatter their prophecy and executing Macduff’s family because Macduff fled to England to liberate Scotland from Macbeth.
Whenever Macbeth tries to gain power through the unnatural it causes his fate of a gruesome death to be sealed tighter. Macbeth rises the ladder of power at an unnatural pace. Although his methods are much more unorthodox than most, through killing, even if he can’t seem to comprehend it himself he has become a murder for power. Very quickly after coming up with the plan to kill the king to become king himself he is walking through the woods and finds “a dagger which I see before me,”(2.1.44) but he can’t quite wrap his hands around “I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” (2.1.47).
“Nearly all men can stand the power of adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power” (Abraham Lincoln). Someone can come off as a good person until they are given power. When someone has power, they may abuse it or treat others unfairly. Giving someone power and seeing how they act can show their true character. Macbeth is the most responsible for the events that occur in the play because he misconstrued the witches prophecies and was overcome by greed.
One thing foolish MacBeth failed to realize is that one can only tolerate an aggressor pushing them around so much until they’ve had enough; it is then when the victim decides to fight back. Very early Macbeth shows signs of being hungry for power. Soon after he is given a title that comes with power; he craves another title with ultimate power which is the title of being a king. “ Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs against the use of nature?
The desire and drive for power is a quality that is imbedded in many human beings, but it is the degree in which one is willing to go that separates those who reach that power in a noble way from those who use any means necessary to get what they ultimately want. In the play, Macbeth by Shakespeare, Macbeth’s desire to gain power is the main focus of the play and his ambition to gain this power leads him to lose himself and all reasoning he once embodied. Macbeth first shows his immense desire and ambition to gain power when he and Lady Macbeth actually plot to kill Duncan so that Macbeth can become the king. They do this by befriending Duncan and even inviting him into their home just so Macbeth can murder him in the dark of the night. To
In Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Many themes are used to bring the play to life in many ways. His use of blood and power as themes are really important to the meaning of the book as a whole. Blood is used throughout the entire book showing how power can corrupt your mind and soul. Macbeth felt guilty about all the blood he spilled in the name of power, which shows how powerful the feeling of power is.
In William Shakespeare's "Macbeth", the power dynamic in Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's relationship shifts dramatically. At the beginning of the book it is apparent that Lady Macbeth is the 'boss in the relationship' as she manipulates him into doing what she wants. In Contrast, Macbeth struggles with his morals and is overcome by grief under the horrific circumstances that develop throughout the plot. As the plot thickens, and both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seem to be plagued by guilt, we witness a drastic change. Contrary to the beginning of the play, Macbeth seems to be the dominant one in the relationship.
Power often seems to be one of the strongest human desires, often leading them to their doom. In “Macbeth”, William Shakespeare exemplifies how a character who seeks to gain power over others inevitably cause their own downfall. Listening to parts of his prophecy, Macbeth continuously aims to fulfill the parts of his destiny which appeal to his gaining of power, and break the parts of the prophecies which endanger his acquired titles and riches. In “Macbeth”, Shakespeare uses characterization to illustrate how people often seek to gain power over others, leading to the theme of destruction brought upon unchecked moral constraints. Before his greedy and murderous acts, Macbeth was revered in Scotland and had come to acquire titles and recognition
Power Takes Over Power is a driving factor that plays a huge role in society. People want power because it gives them control over their own lives, and they can influence others. In William Shakespeares play “Macbeth” there is a very prominent theme of power throughout. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are consumed by the idea of power, and they won’t stop until they achieve it. They are willing to gain power at all costs, and with that mindset, they lose their morals.
In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, the characters of Macbeth, Macduff, and Lady Macbeth all interact with power and fear. In the beginning, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become obsessed with gaining power and it consumes them. When they finally reach their goal, putting Macbeth on the throne, Macbeth himself becomes overwhelmed with the fear that he will be overthrown and lose the power he murdered to claim. Lady Macbeth feels the weight of her guilty conscienous bear down on her as she recalls the horrid deeds that they committed. Macduff on the other hand, never was in power, but he felt the effects of tyrant Macbeth. Macduff leaves for England in hopes of returning with a new king, meanwhile Macbeth murders everyone at Macduff’s estate.
In the play, Macbeth, power was significant as it affected one’s mental, physical and emotional state. Power has a great influence of controlling others’ thoughts, beliefs and choices. The thought of losing and gaining power is threatening others to act impulsively in order to maintain their status and gain even more. Surely, power has affected Scotland negatively in order to fill the selfish needs of Macbeth and his wife through conducting immoral acts of murder. On the other hand, power can affect Scotland positively as seen from Prince Malcolm using his power to rescue Scotland from its downfall.
Power can make people so hungry for dominance and influence that they may not make rational decisions. Macbeth shows how power can harm one’s sense of security. Macbeth lets his greed for power consume him and forces him to make decisions that he may not have made. Macbeth is told to have a “False face that must hide what the false heart doth know”(1.7.82) and that is seen as the first incident where
Throughout reading the play, Macbeth changes a lot from being a man of loyalty and honesty, to a man of whom is power hungry and greedy. This shows how the more power you receive the more power you want; which in many cases, such as this one leads to destruction. Many of the choices that Macbeth made were influenced by the power that he had, and this power began to take over him. This then lead to greed and destruction of not only others, but himself as well.
In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the main character’s goal is to become the king. Macbeth seeks to gain as much power as he possibly can and this ultimately leads to his demise. He hears the prophecy of the witches and becomes so obsessed with fulfilling the prophecy because it states that he will eventually become king. Having this information, Macbeth goes out of his way to force the prophecy to come true. He becomes so power hungry that he tries to force fate leaving him with an undeniable guilt for his actions, the loss of love from the people who once loved him, and a harsh death in the end.
No wildfire burns without ignition, and no misdeed comes about with the perpetrator alone at fault. There are always others who had an impactful effect. This is demonstrated in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, where an extensive cast of characters are developed through their roles in the titular character’s road to condemnation. Macbeth’s quest for power came to fruition through the temptation and support of other characters, demonstrating that without others, he would not have met his downfall.