
Power In Medea And Antigone

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The plays Medea and Antigone demonstrate different levels of power and cleverness when dealing with the wishes of other people and their own statuses. The plot of both stories shows the comparison of social positions of the characters and how they wish to prove their point by taking crazy decisions. Antigone appears as a very uncompromised but willing person who wants to bury her brother’s body under any circumstances and follow the laws of the gods at the same time. But, Medea although, acts as a more cruel and jealous person because she was betrayed and hopes to take revenge on those who were against her. But, both characters show will in achieving what they wish for because it is important to them. The arguments displayed by Medea …show more content…

Antigone buries him despite Creon’s preventions and sees her as “going against the gods.” The lock her in a cave where she suicides by ripping her clothes and hanging herself. Creon, the chorus, and Haemon, Antigone’s fiancé, were discussing on releasing her but found her dead. This caused Haemon and his mother to kill themselves. Antigone presents her argument by stating “if I had suffered my mother’s son to lie in death an unburied corpse, that would have grieved me: for this I am not grieved. And if my present deeds are foolish in your sight, it may be that a foolish judge arraigns my folly.” She disagrees with Creon that burying her brother is an absolute duty of hers and burying one brother and not burying another is disrespectful against the brothers, Antigone and Ismene, Oedipus, and the gods. Antigone mentions “for their life is not of today or yesterday, but from all time” meaning that even if the gods were opposing her decision of burying the body, it would have been the right thing to do as people would find out eventually that Polyneices was not a traitor. She also states “but if I am to die before my time I count that a great gain” meaning that any other individual who would have performed the same deed as her, they would have accepted death

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