
Power Of Distraction Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Power of Distraction

I lived through it once, you would think I would remember all the tricks that I used on my son to distract him. Distract him from what? Any and everything that causes a whiny cry or full on tears for that remote control, spatula, car keys, sunglasses, or anything that you are using that your infant suddenly wants.

If you are reading this and don’t have kids yet, standby. If you are a parent, you know all too well what I am referring to. The real question is how do we (parents) remember to keep our cool and just distract? If we don’t, not only is our child upset then we are too. And it can be so draining when you feel like you are being taken for a ride by your children’s outburst.

Here are some solutions that I tend to forget, that is why I am writing this post :) . …show more content…

No, then distract.
Yes, deal with it and take the rock out of that shoe or whatever is the problem.
Maybe, needs further examination to determine proper action but do not do #2.
You feel your blood pressure rising, and want to gain control. Will yelling help gain control or just feel good? Most likely feel good for a sec, gain control for two seconds, then everyone feels bad, lots of tears, and your significant other thinks you’re part crazy. Yep, time to distract!
You are in the car, and can’t do anything about the crying/whining or loud outburst, you have to pee, and you have 5 miles to go until your exit but traffic is moving between 6-12mph. A flood of emotions hit you all over the place, no pun intended.
I’ve seen parents blare out the crying child with super loud music, I say pass on that.
One mom decided to drive in the water and lost temporary sanity and was arrested, I say pass on that too.
Maybe time to distract, if you can and pull over to a mall or store. Run a needed errand while giving your child and you both a break. You may be 15 minutes late but have a world of peace with that little

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