I really enjoyed your Power-Point. I used to be a one-one nurse in a high school, and one of my student's classmate was gaining a lot o weight. Since she had some disabilities,the teacher helped her choose lunch. The teacher noticing that she was getting overweight started to make her buy only healthy foods. The student complaining with parents, and this caused a lot of tension. For fear o liability the teacher started to buy what the student wanted for lunch, which was said because the student was so overweight that she wasn't walking anymore. I have not correlated neglect with obesity before, but reading your power-point I think parents should be responsible for their kids weight. Thanks for
I agree with Daniel Weintraub, that parents are responsible for having overweight children. Parents have all the responsibility over what their children eat and do. In paragraph 5, Weintraub states,” It’s the fault of parents who let their kids eat unhealthy foods and sit in front of the television or computer for hours at a time.” The adults are the ones who are responsible of the children. They are they ones who pay for the fast food. They can easily say no for their child’s own
My main reason why I truly believe that the parents are the ones to blame for children being obese, is because in the end they are the ones in charge of seeing what their children will eat at home. The parents are the ones that go grocery shopping. They decide what they will buy, not the children. It could be nutritional food, full of vitamins and proteins. If not then, it’s the easy way out. Meaning they buy chips, candy, and sugary drinks. in paragraph five of Weintraub’s article it included that, “It’s the fault of parents who let their kids eat unhealthy foods and sit in front of the television or computer for hours at a time.” If only the parents would teach their children to care about what they eat or that exercising is important, we wouldn’t have this problem.
Parents are at fault for childhood obesity. The job of a parent is to teach a child wrong from right, including their
Obesity usually rises at early age; this positions children to encounter detrimental health problems later in life. The annotated sources validate that obesity is linked with serious health problems, both medical and emotional. Frankly, it is crucial that parents and adolescents are kept up-to-date with the information outlined throughout this argument. About ten years ago children would ride their bikes around the neighborhood, engage in sports, and play tag; when they got home, a nutritious meal would be waiting for them on the dinner table. Where did all this vanish to? Should parents be blamed for allowing their kids to become coach potatoes? There are several theorized solutions to control the number of overweight children in
In the past three decades, rates of childhood obesity have increased precipitously. Between the years and 1980 and 2000, the prevalence of obesity has increased from 6.5% to 19.6% among 6 to 11 year old children and 5.0% to 18.1% among 12 to 19 year old adolescents x(National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2010). This condition is accompanied by many physical and psychological consequences for these children. There are two common postions in the debate about the causes of this condition. One belief of the cause of childhood obesity is that it is a question of “personal responsibility” or in the case of children, of “parental responsibility.” That is, increasing rates of obesity are due to
The orientation process for new hires lasts six weeks. The new nurse attends nursing orientation for one week and then is assign a preceptor on the unit for each shift. The DPCS introduces the new employee to their preceptor. This nurse works three weeks on the day shift, one week on the evening shift and one week on the night shift working with both medically acute rehabilitation patients and surgical patients. Nurses receive extra days of their orientation with patients that the nurse has limited clinical experience such as a nurse with postoperative experience will work more with the medically acute rehabilitation patients to practice new skills. For new graduates their orientation is individualize and can last from 8-16 weeks.
For example, some parents harmlessly ignore simple signs such as their children are consuming an enormous amount of unhealthy snacks; while brushing it off as if their children are perfectly fine. Parents denying their children have a weight problem can significantly manifest to life threaten mental and physical issues. Davies also states that schools are also a contributor to obesity as a social problem; claiming that “Many of those schools are so short of money they’ve scrapped physical-fitness classes” and “too few communities have athletic programs in place”. By parents facilitating rallies and speaking out against the Board of Education in putting healthier menus in school cafeterias, and requesting schools provide added physical education classes is a way parents would be supportive toward childhood
In 2014, two parents were arrested because their son was obese. The boy weighed 210 pounds; however, his parents did not consider his weight to be a problem. They did not think that being obese was a big deal. Like this case, these days, the rate of childhood obesity is increasing greatly, and childhood obesity is becoming a serious issue for children. Childhood obesity has many poor aspects for children. For instance, it is unhealthy for children’s bodies, and it also negatively influences their future bodies. Also, it causes bullying at school because of childhood obesity and truancy that are related to mental issues. Scholars assert that childhood obesity is the fault of parents; however, some scientists claims that it is due to genetics or diseases, such as an internal predisposition and hypothalamic disease. Despite these claims, the evidences shows that childhood obesity is a result of a lack of parental care, and parents should be held accountable on childhood obesity.
The question that has been debated for years is who is responsible for the children’s weight. In the articles that where researched during this paper the parents were responsible. The reason that they were responsible was because the decisions that parent make about their family and the lifestyle that they live affects their child’s health and it can also affect their health in the future. When you move out of your parent’s house you tend to mimic things that they did such as if they always bought Tide as their laundry soap when you got out on your own you probably bought Tide. Now when you were in a pinch one time you may have tried another brand because it was cheaper but for the most part you revert back to what you know. As a parent you should want your children to be as healthy as they can be a lot of parents that where talked to while researching the subject of childhood obesity seemed to just not have the knowledge about obesity.
obesity is okay and that it is not that big of a deal, they are wrong. There
Child obesity is an everyday, societal problem. Some of the medical field views child obesity as neglect; others believe it is not abuse. The medical field believes this issue is abuse, because they face the health related problems these children
First, parents are not being honest with their children about this disease; therefore, they are to blame for childhood obesity. For example, they are not being honest about the effects children may face among their peers. Children will make fun of other children who are obese. This could lead to depression, isolation, and even lowered grades. Also, parents are not sharing the affects to their child’s health. Obesity can lead to may health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. All of these diseases can ultimately lead to death. The point is children trust their parents and need their parents to
Sub-point A: Childhood Obesity begins at home. Parents play a big role because they are the ones feeding their child and getting them into the bad habits. Most parents prepare the not so healthy foods because it’s easy to make or buy. Also, parents buy fast foods and not healthy foods because the cost is affordable. Buying fast food and unhealthy foods once a week turns into twice a week, three times a week, until it just becomes part of their daily life. Furthermore, Parents give candy and sugary foods to make their child happy not realizing the consequences this could have for their child.
In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem in American society. In the past three decades, the rate of overweight children has increased by 300%. This is an alarming rate that is only climbing higher. Every member in society should take steps to becoming healthier. This would help the present generations as well as future generations to come. The lifestyle of Americans keeps us too busy to be a healthy society.
Teachers can play a large role when it comes to addressing and preventing obesity. Because children spend such a large portion of their time with the teacher, it is the teacher