
Power Posing

Decent Essays

Your normal verbal communication reveals a considerable amount about the person you are, however, what type of person are you when you’re communicating using non-verbal communication? Can your body language change people's perceptions of you and, ultimately, alter your personality? Social psychologist Amy Cuddy addresses both of these questions and even more, by analyzing the influence of nonverbal behaviour. Another important question that Amy will be answering is how “power posing” can help you “fake it till you become it,” while affecting both your mind and your hormones. Amy Cuddy studies both prejudice and power dynamics. She is interested in nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. When you’re feeling “small” you tend to shrivel up and keep to yourself, otherwise, when you’re feeling confident you …show more content…

If you would like to feel more dominant Amy Cuddy is teaching us about power poses and how they can improve our daily lives. From personal experience, after suffering a traumatic experience when she was only 19, she thought she was never going to graduate, but little did she know she would make it to Princeton and be on the TED Talk Show. By doing power poses and convincing herself that she was meant to go to Princeton and she was able to do anything, it boosted her testosterone which made her more vibrant and confident. Power posing can range from doing the “superwoman pose” to sitting down on a chair, having your arms behind your head and crossing your legs. By doing power poses daily for two minutes it can lower your cortisol, your stress hormone and increase your testosterone, your dominance hormone. Before Amy Cuddy decided to introduce power posing to the world she decides to run an experiment. Which included a job interview, the first group of subjects would do a power pose 2 minutes before the interview while the second group of subjects will do their normal routines before the

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