
Ppo Performance Observation

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On February 22, 2018 the fourth grade had a PTO performance they were to do in the cafeteria. It was not mandatory for all of the fourth grade students to participate in the event. Before the event, fourth grade teachers had to send the parents permission slips to allow the children to stay after school. This provided documentation for the district on the location of the children after school hours.From what I observed, the school uses the cafeteria as an auditorium. The cafeteria has a small stage at the back, and they placed risers, microphones, and speakers on it. Faculty, family, and friends sat at the lunch room tables to watch the performance.
The students that were to perform in the program that evening stayed after school and were given snacks. They had water, pretzels, and rice crispy treats. Their instructor went over their songs and discussed how the performance would be laid out. The students were very …show more content…

It was his first year teaching. The fourth grade teachers had to set up the sound system for him because he forgot to do so the day before. One little girl messed up during practice and the whole class began to laugh. Soon the teacher even messed up, and the children burst into laughter all over again. They were able to learn that even their teacher’s make mistakes. A few students showed nervous habits such as fidgeting, biting lips, and could not hold focus on their instructor. The confident children were almost screaming the songs because they were so loud. A select few were allowed to play a set of drums during one of their songs. The instructor proved to be nervous as well because he was stumbling over his words in the beginning. The parents whose children were involved actively supported them. As the parents sat in the audience, they all had their cameras up videoing the performance. The fourth graders were doing so well, until half way through the

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