
Pr 362

Satisfactory Essays
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Executive Summary: Alexis Page a senior journalism major enrolled in a online class - Jour 362 – Instructor Kathy Espin. Alexis has a learning disability ( Irlen Syndrome) certified thru the UNLV Disability Resource Center. Alexis is entitled for additional time for quizzes and exams. Alexis requested Espin for her additional time (1.5). However, after having to ask several times to receive the additional time Espin was annoyed and appeared to treat Alexis differently from that time forward. Espin indicated that she thought Page was doing fine and did not need the additional time. Journalism 362 you must pick a non-profit to work with as your client. You do a total of nine exercises all-leading up to the final ninth exercise a digital …show more content…

Since Alexis was doing PR for the client bio, she was taught that you could utilize what they already have and do not have to source it. UNLV journalism professor Mary Hausch agreed, Hausch checked with a local PR professional and they agreed. Also, well known UNLV consultation Sig Rogich also agreed, as well as a dean for an accredited top 50 journalism program. Espin notified Page of a possible case of plagiarism, Page was surprised based on what she has been taught at UNLV as well as the way the class is designed if you do something wrong Espin explains what you need do via the assignment page of the UNLV web campus and you are able to redo until acceptable by Espin. Alexi’s thought if she did something wrong, Espin would let her know and she would redo with no academic consequences. Alexis, meet with Espin in her UNLV office, Espin was extremely rude, and mean spirited with Alexi’s causing her to cry. Kathy did not want to hear anything since she had already sent a formal complaint to the UNLV office of student conduct. It appears that numerous potential violations occurred during this so-called impartial investigation. Professor Hausch provided a letter outlying

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