Executive Summary: Alexis Page a senior journalism major enrolled in a online class - Jour 362 – Instructor Kathy Espin. Alexis has a learning disability ( Irlen Syndrome) certified thru the UNLV Disability Resource Center. Alexis is entitled for additional time for quizzes and exams. Alexis requested Espin for her additional time (1.5). However, after having to ask several times to receive the additional time Espin was annoyed and appeared to treat Alexis differently from that time forward. Espin indicated that she thought Page was doing fine and did not need the additional time. Journalism 362 you must pick a non-profit to work with as your client. You do a total of nine exercises all-leading up to the final ninth exercise a digital …show more content…
Since Alexis was doing PR for the client bio, she was taught that you could utilize what they already have and do not have to source it. UNLV journalism professor Mary Hausch agreed, Hausch checked with a local PR professional and they agreed. Also, well known UNLV consultation Sig Rogich also agreed, as well as a dean for an accredited top 50 journalism program. Espin notified Page of a possible case of plagiarism, Page was surprised based on what she has been taught at UNLV as well as the way the class is designed if you do something wrong Espin explains what you need do via the assignment page of the UNLV web campus and you are able to redo until acceptable by Espin. Alexi’s thought if she did something wrong, Espin would let her know and she would redo with no academic consequences. Alexis, meet with Espin in her UNLV office, Espin was extremely rude, and mean spirited with Alexi’s causing her to cry. Kathy did not want to hear anything since she had already sent a formal complaint to the UNLV office of student conduct. It appears that numerous potential violations occurred during this so-called impartial investigation. Professor Hausch provided a letter outlying
He suggest for Dussold to “wait it out” he told him to set up sign in sheet and to meet with female students in a conference room instead of his office. Later, Dussold is confronted by Peyla she tells him she was encourage to sue him by “other professors.” Dussold was very angry in what hes hearing and tell Peyla to just leave him alone. Dussold says he will never forget the morning he was to report to provost’s office. He was told there was no evidence found. He is then exonerated by the university. But the relief did not last for long. He was summoned by the dean who made investigation of his
5. The letter informed him that he may have violated the FHSU’s Student Code of Conduct, specifically its provisions related to compliance with general laws and drug policy.
Larry Garcia is a 45years old Hispanic male who was newly diagnosed with hypertension during a work-related physical exam. He has been married for eighteen years and has three children. He has been employed as a sales rep for ten years with the same company. His current position is a high pressured position, but he is performing very well at this present time. His is Catholic but only attends church on holidays. Larry likes to fish in his spare time. His mother has a history of high blood pressure but refuses to take her blood pressure medication, but otherwise she is well. His father has a history of CHF and impaired vision due to macular degeneration.
At age five Stacey was diagnosed with a reading disorder and was place in a special education classroom for grades Kindergarten and 1st grade. She was placed in a general classroom in second grade but continue to receive the following accommodation extended time
Two days before Thanksgiving, Janet confronted James Cox, one of her students, who was caught plagiarizing. Because Janet was already feeling sexist attitudes from her students, James’
Esmrel insisted he was telling the truth and those things were said to him. MSTT and Drew continued to talk with Esmrel giving him the chance to change his story and tell the truth. Drew took the lead and told Esmrel if he finds out he is lying the punishment is going to be worst because he had the opportunity to tell the truth. MSTT, Drew and Esmrel then discussed Esmrel negative behaviors at school. The school contacted Drew and explained to him Esmrel has been refusing to do work. Also, the work Esmrel hangs in is incomplete. Esmrel did not have an answer for the incomplete work or for not hanging in homework. MSTT asked Drew if he is still checking Esmrel agenda book and signing it. Drew explained he does sometime but not everyday. MSTT explained to Drew it is important now for him to start checking that book everyday. MSTT will continue to work on increasing Drew follow through with Esmrel homework being
2) What was the role of tribes in the rise and fall of dynasties in the Middle East according to Ibn Khaldun?- According to Ibn Khaldun the rise and fall of the dynasties in the middle east can be directly correlated to the different social structures that tribes would embrace. Which will lead to a better military structure.
I would like to start-up a business where I can learn from others about their culture and to see how different cultures will be with each other. Amsterdam is a big city with a shortage of hotels. That brings me to an idea: starting a hotel business.
Jane Elliot somewhat exploited her relationship with the students which according to the APA code of conduct is not permissible and she also did not have consent from the students or parents to perform the
Although there was no institutional action given, this paragraph is to follow up with the conversation I had among Dr. Emil Chuck and Mr. Steven Scherger about the first academic violation I had at Case Western Reserve University.
Fisher made was to fill out the IEP form. She filled out the form even when she knew that Paul was capable of many things and he didn’t need a special handicapped program to help him learn. “ ‘Mom, you ruined my life at Lake Windsor MIddle when you turned in that IEP.’ ” (94). This is important because Paul is very mad at his mom for filling out the IEP form.
It is alleged by the lawsuit that during Felarca’s leave of absence, district officials, including Superintendent Donald Evans, attorney Marleen Sacks, and other members of BUSD’s Board of Education, questioned many of Felarca’s current and former ELD students. According to the lawsuit, the district interviewed 21 of her current 22 ELD students at MLK and two or more of her former students who currently attend Berkeley High
On Thursday March 24, 2016 Linda Szypulski, Administrative Secretary who works at FOB was at Cassel Hall Spying on me for William Franicla Before and After her 10:00 Am. Break and their 12:00 Lunch. Yet, I caught William and Linda taking break and Lunch at FOB in a small storage Closet but Mr Rossman wasn’t concern how unappropriate this looked. She was a Cassel Hall to overhear if I Had any information on Harry meeting . Rumor on Campus is Harry had a meeting with Jane Volk Labor Relations and Mary Ann Koleny Human Recourse Director.
The right of entry to education resources is more than uncomplicated admission to a college. The right to use means to provide students with the devices they will need to be victorious in higher learning. Students with a recognized disability ought to be no omission. In reality, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, “ensure that all qualified persons have equal access to education regardless of the presence of any disability.” Objective replacement, class waivers, and revision of classroom management, testing and course necessities are all illustrations of behavior to supply access for the learner with a disability. A break down to the creation of such practical adjustments can place schools in breach of federal and state statutes, ensuing expensive fines.
1. Did Alexis do anything wrong? Yes, Alexis did something wrong when she used the internet (PC) of private college that she is not belong to it “without paying”. In other words she stole and violated property rights of the private college internet access.