
Practicing Student Professionalism

Good Essays

Professionalism can be defined in many different ways and from different perspectives. Professionalism is about a lot more than just following policies and procedures. It is also about having essential behaviors such as right attitude, appearance, ethics, knowledge, competence, perseverance, dedication, self-improving and many more. Student professionalism is much more than simply acquiring the best training and skills; it’s also about how a person behaves and acts in order to achieve his or her goals. However, professionalism is not just for people with higher degrees. It’s present in everybody’s daily life regardless of his or her level of education. It should also extend to an individual's personal life as well to some extent. Humans don’t born knowing how to develop a professional attitude, but in order to be success in life we have to learn and practice good attitudes and behaviors that a professional person should have. Now at days the majority of our new generations suffer of lack of professionalism. Many students don’t take seriously his or her role as a student or as an employee at some jobs. Good manners and values are really important in a person’s life because that depends in how his or her future will be. If a student don’t show up to class, comes late most of time, don’t turn in homework on time and don’t respect himself or herself is not likely to reach any of its goals and if he or she acts unprofessionally in something so simple as school. We can imagine

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