“Can there really be a unified theory of everything?”, Stephen Hawking’s concern seems to be the most challenging question for scientists for years. The beauty of science underlies in its uncertainty - because we do not know anything for sure, we do more research to form a complete understanding of the universe we live in. The more we understand, the less we know. Science seeks to explain our physical and natural world through experimental and mathematical reasonings. That is the reason why science is so fascinating and this is where my academic interests lie. Science has a crucial influence on me, turning me from a passive student to an intellectually curious learner. I used to think that boys’ intellect was associated with their …show more content…
To me, Chemistry explains everything - how this specific phenomenon occurs, how things are formed and react to each other, how each element, distinguished by its unique number of electrons and structure, determine its distinctive properties. Chemistry opens in front of me an immense world of science, which stimulates my passion for learning, satisfying my curiosity and influencing my dreams. Furthermore, my passion on Chemistry also influences me to get engagement to other fields of science, such as biology and physics, in order to provide myself a better understanding of science in …show more content…
It is a wonderful opportunity for me to be taught by college professions, to work collaboratively and have intellectually profound discussions with intellectually curious students whom we share the same concern, and to get to explore advanced technologies that are being used in medicine. I am also extremely excited about getting to see the professional laboratory - where scientists conduct experiment every day - and do research under the professional environment with advanced technology. School lab is always technologically limited, thus I always wish to get a chance to explore more advanced technology that today is used. Furthermore, I like spending time with people whom we share the same interest, concern, and
I’ve always been interested in the field of medicine. When I was being born, I almost died, being saved only by the ingenuity of a Nurse Day for whom my middle name is dedicated to. Above all else, I want to have an impact on the quality of life for others, and I think the University of Pennsylvania is one of, if not the, best ways to do that. Its bioengineering department is consistently ranked to be the most rigorous in the field, and I can handle rigor.
Moving my whole life to the United States was a special challenge to me. I had to be familiar with life style, environment, education system, culture, and tradition which are different from my country Iraq. Before I moved to the United States, I spent three years in a university in Iraq; however, these years in the university did not help me to get to the college level in the United States. It was like I needed to start from zero. I did not give up because I have a goal to be a doctor. Therefore, I took ESOL classes, passed Texas Admission Test, and now I am in my Junior year.
Ever since I can remember I have had an intense curiosity about the world and the people in it. This is probably due mostly to my parents who read to me nonstop but it has fuelled most of my learning experiences and given me a love of the world and of people, and the understanding of both of those. This love was further developed when I began four years of learning Attic Greek and Latin through a classical education. Then, after yearning to go overseas since I was eight years old and saving for it most of the time since then, I made it to England for six weeks this summer. Here my appetite for understanding is being indulged not just with words and pictures but with real world experiences which I can touch, see, and hear. Now, as I near the end of my stay, I am looking ahead to the rest of high school and I have decided I want to make the most of my junior and
There have been many factors that have contributed to me being a freshman at Umass this year. They ranged from my grades to the influences from people around me. Now that I made a list about different contexts I can now see how everything might be connected. The overlaying things that had the a real effect on my outcome as a now freshman at Umass Amherst. The contexts that I layed out for myself gave me a better understanding of what some of the specifics were. Two points that stood out to me was my education and Nationality. Being a college freshman at Umass is due largely to how both of these contexts interacted with each other. Having a solid educational foundation is important to get into any college. I was lucky enough to grow up in a
I am writing to express interest in L’Oreal’s 2016 Marketing Undergraduate Summer Internship. Currently, I am a Junior at Georgetown University majoring in Justice and Peace Studies, with a minor in Film & Media Studies. My passion for creative projects has manifested itself in my extracurricular activities while my areas of study compliment the skills I have learned through various projects by giving me perspective and understanding that has helped me achieve success in all of my endeavors. While at Georgetown, I have had the opportunity to be a part of projects in a range from fields, including education, theater, and fashion. My first year I was a Teacher’s Assistant (TA) at the university’s Institute for College Preparation.
In the words of civil rights great Mahatma Gandhi, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Receiving an education, in my opinion, is the foremost responsibility of every individual who walks this Earth. Education, however, has different meanings for different people. In some cultures, an education may include learning agrarian or farming techniques. In many other cultures, an education consists of attending primary school, secondary school and later attending college. No matter how the concept of education is prescribed in a given society, this fact remains true: everyone desires to have learned more when they leave this world than they did when they came in. Personally, I desire to receive a college education because I believe that by receiving such an
Since I started community college I’ve heard several dozen cases of people changing their major, changing their transfer college, or just changing their mind. I’m not likely to do any of that, I choose to use my time in high school deciding what I wanted to do and so far I am sticking to it without a doubt in my mind. I chose to go to community college, earn my Associate's in Business Administration, and transfer to James Madison University in the fall of 2018, graduate in 2020 with my Bachelor’s. I intend to get my Master’s either right after my Bachelor’s or within a few years of my career. I hope to have a job leaving JMU, my first accounting job of my career. I decided to major in accounting for a plethora of reasons, but not what most people expect.
As I have matured and come to know myself better as a student, I clearly grasp the long-term benefits of obtaining quality collegiate education but, my decision to go onto to college after graduating from high school was not solely based on obtaining a degree. The college experience grants me the opportunity to further proceed on this journey of self-discovery. I am determined to not only gain substantial academic knowledge as a college student, but also to use these four years as a time to flourish socially and culturally. I believe a Rutgers University education will supply me with the necessary tools to achieve; an education of a distinct caliber as well as a multicultural environment that will enrich me socially and allow me to immerse myself into cultures opposite of my own. Being a college student has already begun to broaden my world view.
For my higher education, I relocated from Cameroon to France where I spent 6+ years. This first-time immersion in the western culture in an environment completely different from my home country was life-changing. Although the challenges and cultural norms at my arrival were overwhelming, they fostered my abilities to adapt to diverse situations and solve problems. Besides, I experienced a completely new way of teaching which opened my mind to new ways of learning. Being alone speeded up my transition from teenager to adult; I grew into a more independent person.
The journey to victory varies for many, but my unforgettable journey began three years ago. Nurtured in a low-income, single parent home, my college path was uncertain, but my desire to succeed has always been present. As a first generation college student, I had many detours along my path to success. My close ties to my family resulted in unforeseen circumstances forcing relocations. Although attending several different universities, I remained determined and highly motivated and completed my undergraduate studies in three years.
In the twelve years of education we have we don’t always do a lot of prep work for college, in my opinion schools should start preparing students for college. Most people's worries are that students will burn out, but wouldn't you want to know sooner before you pay thousands of dollars for a college. Also it would be better for students to take classes that would help them in college. In many cases this would help students start thinking what they want to do in the future many students these days graduate high school and don’t know what they want to do next. Students have an opportunity to learn about multiple majors and can explore and find out what they have a passion for and what they want to major in.Helping students prepare earlier for college in high school is better to do earlier because it helps better prepare students for college and their careers.
Last summer, I had the privilege to attend the Michigan Health Sciences Pre-Exposure Academy held at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and hosted by the University of Michigan Health System Office for Health Equity and Inclusion (OHEI). This summer program took place on June 14 to June 27. This program provided me with exposure to the University of Michigan Medical School and other health related fields. This program gave me the chance to learn and understand better what medical classes were like and the intensity of work I needed to put in to succeed. My exposure in this summer program helped me decide the best pre-medicine course to take. It also gave me an opportunity to meet new people, many of whom shared similar interests with me, and who are still some of my best friends even to today. To conclude, the Michigan Health Sciences Pre-College Exposure Academy helped make the most of my summer vacation, gave me an insight in my future profession, and prepared me for the rest of my high school, and my upcoming college career.
College is a big step in someone’s life, so it’s important to know what the first steps are towards college. Take the time to do some research on what needs to be accomplished. There are step by step books to help with the process along with college organizers and scholarship books. It’s very helpful to visit the websites of colleges that he or she would consider, to find out as much information as possible. Getting all the information together would be an important step towards college. Preparing is a big factor in the college process. Start the college process early or just stay on top of things and don’t get behind schedule. Deciding how to start the process can be helpful when someone has help from friends who are going
When I run I feel numb, not numb as in without feelings, not numb as in freezing. I feel numb with the joy of sweat, aching joints, unhealthy air, and blazing 100 degree weather. The grand moment when I can hear the cheering crowd at the finish line just a couple meters away. Before cross country, my definition of dedication was finishing a complete television series on Netflix. My new meaning of dedication is now the endurance, commitment, and persistence I experience through running. I consider running my greatest talent, not only because of my times or records, but what it has taught me. Attaining fifth place in my junior varsity race at the league championships, improving my 3 mile time by 4 minutes, and becoming the fifth runner at my school were all important milestones for me. Sophomore year was my first year of running on a team.
Discovering and choosing a college that best suits my needs was a rigorous yet thrilling task. The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising clearly came forth as the best choice for me to further my education in design. Being unable to visit the college campus, as I live in New York, I've done lots and lots of research about FIDM, and I realize the institute offers what I hope to gain from my college experience.