I initially applied to Rutgers with the intentions of pursuing a career in dentistry, and so made the decision to attend the school of arts and sciences. After a long and rigorous year of academic and social enlightenment, I have discovered that while pursuing a career in dentistry through the school of arts and sciences may be the most traditional route it is not necessarily the only route. In fact, after speaking to several upperclassmen and advisors I have come to the conclusion that pursuing a science major such as biology or chemistry can often limit pre-dental student’s opportunities post graduation, especially if one is not admitted into dental school or for any reason decides against it. On the hand, I have found that the opportunities
Dental hygienists are part of the Health Science career cluster under the pathway of therapeutic services. The health science cluster deals with jobs that involve planning and providing basic health care services. The pathways in this cluster are Supportive Services, Information and Communication Services, Diagnostic Services, Therapeutic Services, and Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Services. Though there are many jobs in this cluster that require different certifications, they all help provide medical care to everyone in the world.
During Wednesday’s lecture we had the opportunity to hear Kathryn Trilli give us a short autobiography of her career, and introduce us to the roles of a hygienist when working in a specialty clinic. Mrs. Trilli started her career at Sheridan College in Wyoming. She received her Associates in Science in Dental Hygiene. Upon graduation Mrs. Trilli was serving tables while waiting for her license. It was at her serving job that she met her first boss, John Nabers D.D.S., a periodontist in Wichita Falls, Texas who later was the founder of the Nabers probe. After working in Nabers practice for two years she left to begin her teaching career. While teaching Mrs. Trilli obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene, from Midwestern State University. After relocating to east Texas for her husband’s profession she worked at various private practices. While living in Denton, Texas for five years she taught at Texas Woman’s University. After her husband accepted a coaching position at Newman University the Trillis relocated their family one final time to where they currently call
At this time in my life, the career chose that I find more interesting is a Dental Hygienist. As a Dental Hygienist, I will have to work hard to succeed in my career. If I don’t go to college I won’t get a good education and I will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of different types of jobs.
Most people know what they would like to do when they grow up. Today I will be talking about three carriers I am interested in and that I would like to pursue. When I was thinking about a career I wanted to pursue. I know I would have to be social open-minded. I would like to assist others if needed help. I wanted to be successful. When I thought about it I came up with three careers. I would like to pursue to be a social worker, dental hygienist or agent/management.these three carriers are very different yet A light. How I would achieve working as one of these jobs I would have to know my priority straight maintain a good balance between job and sports getting one of these jobs will be hard but achievable.
At the age of 16 I had my son Ezikel, he is now six years old and is a wild, exciting, creative young boy he is my biggest blessing. When I found out I was going to have a child at such a young age I had one thing on my mind and that was “I refuse to be a statistic” I went on to find a high school for teen moms; Florence Crittenton High School, I was determined to graduate high school and move on to college. I completed High School in 2011 and got a scholarship I went to CCD but I felt it wasn’t quick enough for me , I felt as if I had to rush and get a career to support me and my son. I then went to working dead end jobs I felt like a failure, this is not what I planned on for my post high school life, I felt ashamed and I had let my son down.
As a college student, it is important to research different professions in order to determine what career path to ultimately follow. Certainly, there are many types of jobs to take account of, and as a person with plenty of passions, finding a major has proved to be quite difficult. Nevertheless, the time has come to decide a career pathway and currently I am pursuing to become a registered dental hygienist. This career path is far from my art passions, but the search for a good occupation, and a feel-good job has brought me to the dental hygiene career path. In order to research this occupation even further, I will interview a dental hygienist and find out if this is the right career path for me.
I first took interest in this career path when I was exploring a different variety of jobs during high school. My mom asked me,” what do I want out of life”? So I explained to her that I want to do something that matters to people. I want to help people. But over all things I want to be a mom. I want to be able to provide for my family. My mom went on to explain how she thought being a hygienist would suit me. It’s funny how our moms know us better than we know ourselves sometimes! She went on to explain how she had a friend who pursued a career as a dental hygienist that it worked out for her in many ways. She got to raise her own children but continue growing in a lifelong career path. She got to support her family while not missing out on the milestones her children were accomplishing. She had become very successful within her career and about 25 years later, she still loves it the same. I knew that was the life I wanted, so I started to research where I would need to start.
My career plan is to receive a certification in dental assisting and to graduate with an AAS degree for dental hygiene. When I enter DMACC, I will first apply for the dental hygiene program, then while on the waiting list for two to three years, I would like to devote that time period by not only taking those few required dental hygiene courses but also be taking dental assistant courses. The dental assistant courses will only take me a year to complete. After that first year on the waiting list, I intend to work as a dental assistant. It will be beneficial for me to work in an environment in the dental field, because I will be be adapting to the workforce, building skills and abilities, and last but not least, having the opportunity to experience and provide dental work in
At the age of thirteen, I decided that I wanted to become a dentist. I have since read countless dental textbooks explaining everything from anatomy to treatment of oral diseases. My junior year of high school, I entered the Dental Assistant program at the Clark County Skills Center. Through the program I gained the knowledge needed to become a dental assistant. The Skills Center further strengthened my decision to become a dentist by teaching me how the dental world truly functions. In December of 2105, at the age of 16, I became a Certified Dental Assistant and began working at Design Dentistry. Working at Design Dentistry with Dr. Wenzinger has inspired me to continue my education, and I plan to further my education to become a dentist.
It has been six years since I started my training as a dental assistant at Plainview Oral. During that time, I had the privilege of having a mentor, Dr. Bass. In addition to watching the care and compassion he had towards each patient, I was also able to learn the techniques and instruments used for each procedure. Through that experience, my passion towards the field of dentistry grew and I realized that this is the career path for me. Having a job that is hands on and requires precision and accuracy is something I excel in. Working with other people as a team is something that I value. I want to be of service in a community by helping others and making dental care easy and comfortable. Many people are uneasy about going to the dentist; being
When shadowing current dental hygienists I was able to grasp the flexibility that comes along with earning a BS degree. By attaining a Bachelors of Science, I
All my life I have questioned myself, “What is my real interest in life that I enjoy doing the most?” Therefore, I decided to review my life to find things which I adore the most. Lastly I realized that my interest is to help people, helping others brings me a great spiritual satisfaction for that reason I want to become a dental hygienist.
In my advisement meeting with Ms. Latricia Jackson, we discussed several things. She asked what were my short and long term goals. I begin to tell her that my short term goal is to maintain the grade point average I withheld in high school which is a 4.0. My long term goal is to become a successful dentist, by helping and providing patients with the proper care for their teeth and hygiene. Someday I have hopes in owning my own dentist office in a state where I desire to inhabit at. I picked dentistry as my field of study because I wanted to do something in the health field and I felt dentistry suits me best. I love seeing individuals with beautiful teeth and a radiant smile along with perfect hygiene.
A career in Dentistry is my main goal in life. I want to pursue a career in Dentistry for many reasons. Being a Dentist, you get to aid people and make them feel better about themselves. I have the personal qualities to be a Dentist and know that I would be great at the job. I would look forward to going to work every day. Dentistry contains many tools and oral practices that I am not familiar with. It would be awesome to get to be familiar with the lifestyle of a Dentist. Someday, I might even be able to live their lifestyle. Focusing in school is the main priority for all jobs. Dentistry also involves a diverse (longer) college route than most. This means that the academic requirements to be a Dentist are quite time consuming, but the
After applying and having interviews with a few dental schools, I now realize that I have to take more science courses in order to raise my overall GPA. I was first disappointed by the fact that I did not get into dental school for this application cycle. I, however, took this as a good opportunity for me to prepare for dental school better. Going back to school to learn more about medical biology also excites me because I know there is still more biological study for me to learn. I also look forward to learning more about conducting scientific research and an opportunity to work in the lab.