
Pre Hypertension Essay

Decent Essays

Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, occurs when blood is forcefully pumped through the arteries at a high pressure. This pressure is recorded by a blood pressure (BP) monitor. At a reading of 120/80, the BP is normal; 120/80 to 140/90 is called pre-hypertension; 140/90 and above is considered hypertension. When developed, hypertension is responsible for health issues and limitations, but it is treatable both chemically and naturally. There is a greater risk of contracting heart disease, the biggest silent killer, and kidney disease when hypertension is existent. Since the heart must work more forcefully than it should, it weakens leading to this disease. “Pumps work by generating pressure. Put simply, too much pressure puts a strain on the arteries and on the heart itself. This can cause an artery to rupture or the heart to fail under the strain – in the worst case stopping altogether” (Davey). Another cause of high blood pressure is poor diet and excess sodium levels in the food consumed. The progression of age is another factor that influences the disease; “There is a natural tendency for blood pressure to rise with age due to the reduced elasticity of the arterial system” (Davey). Sleep apnea, the inability to sleep, is also …show more content…

adults have high blood pressure — and many of them don’t know it or don’t experience typical symptoms” (“Common High Blood Pressure Myths”). The signs and symptoms of hypertension vary from person to person. Some people will not have any signs, but there are a few signs and symptoms that are thought to be linked to high blood pressure; these include dizziness, headaches, twitching, shortness of breath, nausea, chest pain, etc. Ignoring the blood pressure could be fatal, so it is important to keep track of it and see a doctor if it is higher than normal. “Every adult near or past middle age should 'know their numbers' – ie your height, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels”

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