The major that I would like to peruse is Pre-Medicine. To me Pre Medicine is more than just about having a huge salary, it’s about helping people. I do it every day and enjoy every second of it, but what actually brought me to this decision was my own health condition. I got diagnosed and have been treated for scoliosis and GAD when I was 16 years old.
On June 27th at Lurie Children’s, I went under a twelve hour spinal fusion, where a medal rod was placed in my back. It was amusing at the time I thought I was the luckiest kid in the world because I got out of chores, but I was wrong because I was stuck in a hospital for a week suffering major back pain. At the same time I got diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) because I made
Biology has always intrigued me; that is why I took advanced biology courses every year during high school. I chose cardiology in particular for medical school because cardiac diseases run in both sides of my family. I have seen my grandmothers get pushed into the emergency rooms and I thought they were not going
My major is Biology Pre-Med. I chose this particular major because I eventually want to become a doctor. The thing I like about this field is I like helping people; I want to save as many lives as possible.
After completion of high school, I moved on to Barry University where I majored in the premedical sciences in pursuit of my ultimate goal of becoming a medical doctor. A career in medicine is the only goal I have had as a child since my dad handed me an anatomy atlas while in primary school. The task was daunting, but with hard work and many late nights I persevered. The experience of college developed my communication skills, exposed me to several cultures and helped me to mature as a leader.
I am currently a senior at Santa Ana Valley High School. I am planning to further my education and obtain a degree. I am certain I want to be in the medical field; I have in the medical academy for three years here at Valley and I’ve never experienced anything more amazing. Most of my classes were honor classes and a couple were AP, Advanced Placement, throughout my high school years.
Initially, in the future I would like to pursue a career in Occupational Therapy. I want to become an Occupational Therapist because I would love to help people recover from injury to regain skills. I am very focused on my career and the path I want to take in pursuing my career. The medical field has always been a passion of mine.
Then lo and behold my surgery occurred on July 22, 2015. It was a grueling 6-hour long surgery. I spent a week in the hospital and I was in tremendous pain for weeks afterwards. I was not able to enjoy my summer like everyone else, as I was stuck in bed for the entire time. But guess what. My back was straight. It was over. No more brace. No more looking crooked and feeling self-conscious about it. My mind was finally free.
As I began college, I decided not to choose a major at first. It was not until the beginning of this semester that I declared Biology as my major. I have always been interested in science, and it has always been one of my best subjects. Since I was little, my dream has been to become a doctor. As I have taken more classes, trying to weed out what I do and do not like, I have discovered that sciences are what interest me the most. Currently I have an emphasis in pre-professional studies which means that my major is leading me to attend a medical school after I graduate from Arkansas State University.
With the many choices that go with college, one of the most important decisions is what you want to do. For me, I have decided to go into the medical field. Miami University and the University of Cincinnati both have very good pre med programs. In order to
Although I excelled in high school biology and health classes, I knew that choosing a major down that route would never be an option for me. I wanted my major to be one that I was passionate about, making learning something I craved to do. At the end of junior year, my school
I will major in becoming a Registered nurse and becoming a police officer. The reason why I chose to major in becoming a Registered Nurse and Police officer is because I want to take care of sick patients. I also want to protect our community and prevent violence from happening all the time. I will love to work in hospitals , cliniclas , and Va’s. Being apart of the police force is a good look i will like to go through the basic training and prove than i can do the job.
After having been in my first college year for a couple of months, I still had no idea what I was leaning towards for a major. Within these first couple of months I had learned that Biomedical Studies was not something that I was sure of, along with many other careers and majors that I learned about in the Compass class that were not for me. Tired of not knowing what I wanted to do, I sat myself down and did some researched. I came upon
Through the last two years as a student at Manchester Community College, I have been able to experience numerous classes and meet wonderful professors. In my first semester of college, I decide to take a general psychology class with Dr. Francine Rosselli-Navarra. She taught me that psychology is a science, which studies our minds and behaviors. After that class I knew that I did not just want to study the physical feature of the brain and the brain process, but how the interactions with and within our brains that produce our cognitive functions. After completing that psychology class I realized that I did not wish to be a biology major anymore, instead I wished to study in the field of Neuroscience, which is a combination of both biology and psychology.
Playing golf! I also know that my school-work will be very important to be able to continue playing golf and getting the scholarship money I need. Right now, I'm not sure what I want to major in, however I'm leaning towards physical therapy. If I do pursue that I will have to concentrate just as much on my grades as I do on my golf. To obtain a job in this field I need to keep a very high GPA.
Upon entering my freshman year of high school the pain in my back was an everyday issue and kept me from participating in basketball and other school event. Some days I would wake up in such an amount of pain I wouldn’t be able to go to school. During November my mom decided to take me to Shriner 's in Lexington. They took some x-rays and a CT scan and it turns out the once little spot had grew to the point where it had broken through back to where it was pushing upon my nerves in my spine. I can still remember sitting in the room hearing them explain to me and I
Medicine is an often-subjective term with many options. Medicine or the medical field usually holds more than a thousand of different treatments to treat illnesses and ailments of all kinds. Many are of the normal variety and can be easily treated with medication, some are usually and easily fixed through surgery and then there are others that are treated through alternative measures often referred to as Alternative Medicine. Alternative Medicine is any range of medical therapies that are not regulated as orthodox by medical professionals.