
Preferred Learning Style Analysis

Decent Essays

How you learn?

Over the years I have had to figure out on my own how I learn best, and I have learned I am a visual and kinaesthetic learner. I need to visually see the problem displayed and follow the steps of solving the problem as the teacher explains.

We were taught by the teacher’s learning style(s) preferences. Examples: using chalkboards to display information and projects to display example questions. From my experiences and remember most children that left the classroom for help only left for reading skills or speech therapy or student’s with disability or were special needs. Depending on the child’s disability of being mild, moderate, or extreme, they would stay in the mainstream classes, but would be sitting in the back of the class. There weren’t educational assistants in the classroom unless you had an extreme disability or was special needs.

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Educators need to realize that they can’t just tailor their lesson plans to their learning style(s) of teaching, but they can’t focus on one child’s learning style either. This is where the educational assistants will be helpful, by observing the student’s behaviour to help analyze what the student’s learning style(s) is. Then they can pass along the information on the educator to help assess both activity and lesson plans in future.

How you could work with a child who has a preferred learning style?

1. I would familiarize myself with the preferred learning style, which best fits the student, so I can have a better understanding on how the child learns best.

2. Next, I would ask the educator if she has any strategies specifically on the preferred learning style(s) that she would want me to try first. In the mean time, I would research on my own time, how other educators have found ways to teach the preferred learning style(s) in language art and math skills, and fun activities to help the students learn in a fun way. Because not all lesson plans match with the student’s ability to

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