
Pregnancy And Birth Related Complications

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Abstract Introduction: Pregnancy and birth-related complications are leading causes of death among women of reproductive age in developing countries. In 2008 alone, an estimated 358,000 women worldwide died from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, & World Bank, 2010a). The vast majority of maternal deaths occur in developing countries, where hemorrhage, obstructed labor, eclampsia, abortion, sepsis, and infection are the main causes of pregnancy-related complications (WHO et al., 2010a). Methods: This paper presents secondary analysis of data from the 2010 Afghanistan Mortality Survey (AMS). The AMS, completed in 2010, provides a unique opportunity to assess progress toward achieving improved maternal health and maternal health care, and to examine coverage at the provincial level as well as nationally. Within selected households, all women of age 12-49 who were either usual residents of the household or who slept there the night before the survey were eligible to be interviewed (AMS, 2010). The sample for the AMS was selected using a two-stage stratified selection process, based on the 2011 Afghanistan Population and Housing Census (PHC) sampling frame obtained from the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) (AMS, 2010). Results: The study shows overall progress toward improving coverage of all three maternal health indicators (ANC, deliveries attended by SBAs, and PNC). On average, there has been an increase of roughly 10% in each of the

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