
Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace: How Far Have We Come?

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Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace


Title: Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace: How Far Have We Come?

Introduction: Define employment discrimination

I. Pregnancy Discrimination Act

A. Hiring

B. Pregnancy and Maternity Leave

C. Health Insurance

II. Reasons for increase of complaints

A. Staying in the workplace

B. Productivity and economy

C. Stereotypes

III. Employers' concerns

Conclusion: Know your rights.

Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace: How Far Have We Come?

In a world where there have been so many advancements, is it really necessary to have laws to protect us from discrimination in the workplace? The answer is a definite yes. Unfortunately, in …show more content…

This can be a huge issue when applying for a new job when pregnant because of course the employer is going to be worried about a number of issues that could arise, such as how long the new hire will be available to work, her limitations in the job, and medical insurance. The employer cannot refuse to hire a pregnant woman just for the simple fact that she's pregnant; they also cannot refuse to hire her based on the prejudices of co-workers, clients, or customers (2).

Employers are also prohibited under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act from enacting special procedures to determine an employee's ability to work. If an employee is unable to perform her job due to pregnancy, the employees must be given the same rights as any other temporarily disabled employee. Pregnant employees also have the right to work as long as they are able to perform their assigned duties. If an employee is absent from work die to a pregnancy-related condition, an employer cannot require the employee to remain on leave until after the baby is born if they recover. Employers also have to hold a job open for a pregnancy-related absence for the same length of time it would be held open for employees on sick or disability leave (2). This portion of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects a pregnant woman from losing her job for being absent from their job because of their pregnancy. It gives her the job security

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