
Prejudice And Racism In The Jim Mockingbird

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Blacks all around the world have received prejudice against them all the time, being judged, not by their actions but by their skin color. Their lives have been segregated since the start of civilizations, and only recently have they been granted the same equality as everyone. But still, this does not hinder people from continuing to show racism and prejudice against blacks, putting labels on them, and treating them as inferiors. Lee depicts the racism and prejudice against blacks in the Jim Crow era, describing how they were viewed in the eyes of the white population. Atticus, Scout’s lawyer father, is sent to court to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. At the end of his case, he pleads the jury to not let the evil racism of the society affect their decision, but have justice and proof be the real judge, “...the evil assumption---that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber,”(232). Atticus makes his firm statement trying to go against the ideals and morals of that time period. He is asking a jury of white men to vote against the word of 2 other white and judge on. man as innocent. These type of people are those who can firmly see through the blinds of racism and foggy mist of prejudice. They are those who strive for a bigger difference and the bigger picture in the future. They see what can become of the world if prejudice continues to undermine our society and form new values. They aim to identify people based on their true actions and intentions rather than rumors and judgment. But the amount of these special people is dwarfed by blind men believing in rumors and never questioning the innuendos. The jury still after hearing the final words of Atticus, are still going to declare the black man guilty, because of the judgment that all blacks are immoral, and will harm others. These assumptions determine the fate of this black man and will determine the fate of other black men in the future as stated in Tim Wise’s article, “Year after year, and case after cases it continues, with black lives viewed as expendable in the service of white

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