
Prescription Drug Abuse In Sports

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Painkillers can be good for certain things, but can take a turn real quick when not used properly or for appropriate reasons. The rise of prescription drug abuse in the athletic world has significantly gone up throughout the years. The problem starts getting out of control when high school athletes are able to have access to these pills. Athletes are committed to their sports and will do anything to compete and come out on top. Unfortunately, that means they may cut corners to be able to compete. Injuries are a part of all sports and some injuries are very painful and make playing sports almost unbearable. This is where painkillers come into play. For some athletes it starts off as a way to get through a game or as something to get through …show more content…

However, the pills only mask the pain. Medicine may benefit an athlete in immediately, but it does not replace the rehabilitation, physical therapy, or surgery an active individual may need. The pills can also cause addiction and dependence. Playing on an injured knee because an athlete cannot feel the pain can only cause the athlete to make the injury worse. Prescription drugs cannot only mask and make an injury worse, but it can cause the athlete to depend on the pills to play the sport. Once an athlete gets injured, they can end up losing the confidence they had when they were not injured. The pills that the athlete has can help the athlete feel like normal. Once the athlete feels that they are back to normal due to the pills, they may start to believe that the pills are they only way that they can play. Once athletes believe that there is only one they can play, they are not giving all of their effort into the sport. With believing that you cannot play without the help of the prescribed drugs, athletes lose confidence in their talents. When an athlete gets injured it creates a great amount of

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