
Prescription Stimulant Abuse Essay

Decent Essays

The field of mental health is consistently targeted by the stigmatization of mental disorders, which has been created through various societal behaviors, such as the spread and reinforcement of illegitimate information. A major contributing factor is the abuse of pharmaceutical and psychiatric policies in the attempt to acquire prescription medication for unjustified reasons. The most blatant example of an overprescribed and largely abused medication is the type meant to treat attention related disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. While ADHD medications are directed for use solely by those experiencing legitimate issues with maintaining attentional focus, they are commonly being used, and therefore abused, as …show more content…

Not only does prescription stimulant abuse affect the individual student’s health, but is also create a high cost to society; between 2005 and 2010, stimulant abuse related emergency room visits increased by 134 percent, meaning over 30,000 visits a year, which puts a strain on both financial and medical resources. This pattern among college students and young adults needs to be researched in order to understand the severity of the situation so that the costs to society and college students alike can be minimized; once the tendency to abuse stimulants is understood, efforts can be made to establish education programs regarding the abuse of Adderall and Ritalin, as well as stricter legislation regarding the prescription of such drugs. Field site research will include issuing an online questionnaire to the Penn State student body focusing on their personal experiences with stimulants. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of the information, the questionnaire would be completely anonymous. It would collect basic demographic information for statistical analysis, and questions would focus on the subject’s exposure to and personal experience with stimulant medications. Penn State’s Counseling and Psychological Services may also be a useful resource for obtaining any available information on the process a student would have to go through in order to obtain Adderall and Ritalin, and what would constitute a justifiable reason to gain pharmaceutical

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