Abortion- Days into his presidency, on January 23, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed a series of executive orders that revoked previous family planning and abortion policies. He believed “[in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision] that the Court reached the right conclusion”1 and that “the ultimate choice should remain a matter for a woman to decide in consultation with her conscience, her doctor, and her God2.” Education- From election days, Clinton campaigned against George H. W. Bush and focused greatly upon commitment to federal action for education. His first successful legislative order was signed on March 31, 1994, known as “The Goals 2000: Educate America Act” which was responsible for the creation of the National Education Panel and reauthorized
In 2001, Former President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. This Law launched the national standards and testing movement of the United States (2004).
3/ What are some of the contributions that the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations stressed for schools?
In order to improve student learning and education in literacy, President Clinton led the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. This act required any decisions concerning teaching literacy to be firmly grounded with research evidence. She pushed the development of a nations-wide
He was also one of the few presidents to be impeached and removed from office. I think you already know my impression about Clinton, since I have been talking about him all year. In 1990 the immigration act passed increased the total immigration cap. It also granted temporary amnesty to illegal immigrants so they could have time to get properly documented. The number of visas available for immigrants also increased throughout the early 1990s.
Clinton was a major key in moving forward the race relations. He helped support the diverse equality in the United States and showed that any person can do what they set out to accomplish. Clinton’s staff was recognized as being one of the most diverse groups the country had seen during his time in office. Ambassadors, federal judges, cabinet secretaries, U.S. attorneys, and U.S. marshals were appointed to many minorities. Clinton even set out to try and make up for past wrong doings to the black community. He was part of a settlement that awarded black farmers billions of dollars because of discrimination in the government’s farm loan program (Ryan). Clinton helped start the more diverse government in Washington and his accomplishment is still moving forward.
The United States Federal Government has different views about abortion. These “different” views directly affect the women of America. The President produces an Executive Order. Congress puts a “rider” in place and the Courts begin legal abortion in 1973. Executive Order Number 13535 concerning the Affordable Care Act was ordered by President Obama in 2014. This Act mandated health care for all Americans and is sometimes called Obama Care. This executive order was to make clear that the government would not allow us of federal funds for abortion services. The only exception was in case of incest, rape, or the health of the mother. The order also mentions the Hyde Amendment as one of its foundations policies that restricts what the government
During Bill Clinton's presidency many changes happened, but the most noticeable is the technological revolution. The United States was embracing technology and what it offered to so many. It was a time to set aside the paper and pencil, and purchase a computer, a computer could be used to store information in a digital format. Information was becoming easily accessible at your finger tips, the internet could be used to look up all sorts of information. People were using cell phones and considering cellular devices as a necessity. As America recovered from the Ronald Reagan recession, the country began to embrace the information age. The United States did not only embrace this change, but led the world in this change. America led the world in
President Bill Clinton’s policies on homeland security helped make president Bill Clinton a successful president. According to (“Bill Clinton home land security”) Bill Clinton wanted America to stand up and talk about fear and hatred. Bill Clinton wanted America to stand up and talk about fear and hatred so that America could let fear and hatred bring us closer. He also wanted us wanted us to stand up and talk for each other Also he wanted us to know that we would stand up to the forces of fear and hatred. Bill wanted this to happen because on April 19th 1995 A Man named
President Obama commented on H.R. 3 NO taxpayer funding for abortion act on July 14, 2010 which the Hyde-Weldon conscience clause by prohibiting federal funding. President Obama said “I am committed to protecting constitutional rights. He also committed to polices, initiatives and programs that help prevent unintended
During his presidential campaign, President Obama critiqued the accountability system based on testing which created hope about the possibility to modify the NCLB legislation (Ovando & Combs, 2012). Conversely, President Obama reinforced NCLB by making teacher qualifications more rigorous and promoting the adoption of national academic standards (Dillon, 2009). In order to help the country to overcome the economic crisis, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 (Baker, 2011; Ovando & Combs, 2012). President Obama’s idea was that by improving education the American economy could be rebuilt (Baker, 2011). Obama’s administration also instituted, as
Bill entered politics in Arkansas, and was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas’s Third District in 1974. Bill married Hillary Rodham the following year, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School, in 1980. He only had one child named Chelsea. Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. He regained office four years after losing a bid for a second term, and served until he defeated George Bush and third party candidate Toss Perot in the 1992 presidential race and became the President on January 20, 1993. He was Governor of Arkansas from 1979-1981 and 1983-1992) Bill’s vice President was Albert Gore Jr. Both White House and Congress were held by the same party for the first time in 12 years, but the Republicans won both houses in 1994. Bill Clinton was a Democratic President under the United States.
During President Bush’s term, government became aware that American schooling needed major improvement. There was a need of a law which would improve the system while using scores to evaluate students as well as their teachers. "The fundamental principle of this bill is that every child can learn, we expect every child to learn, and you must show us whether or not every child is learning," (Secretary, 2002) President George W. Bush said on Jan. 8, 2002, signing ceremony of No Child Left Behind Act. However, this one size fits all approach revealed not be resourceful. "The goals of No Child Left Behind, the predecessor of this law, were the right ones: High standards. Accountability. Closing the achievement gap, but in practice, it often fell short. It didn 't always consider the specific needs of each community. It led to too much testing during classroom time. It often forced schools and school districts into
Abortion is a controversial debate in the United States that divides the nation and still plays a significant role at election time. The Democratic Party supports abortion rights and keeping elective abortions legal because they believe in the privacy and equality of women. They believe that a woman must have the right to choose regardless of her ability to pay. “The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade.”1 For example, Bernie Sanders, as a Democratic candidate, said, "I happen to believe that it is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to be doing with her own body."2 On the other hand, Republicans say the unborn child has a fundamental right to live and they support a human life amendment to the Constitution. They believe that Roe v. Wade should be overturned and abortions should not be legal.3 Donald Trump, as a Republican candidate, has suggested that if abortion is criminalized, women should receive some type of punishment if they secure an abortion. The President of the United States can has many effects on federal abortion policy. Most important of all, the President has the power to appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court. For instance, Obama and Clinton appoint justices who will uphold the present abortion laws that allow abortions. Also, the President may sign or veto legislation related to abortion like President Bush has signed “the Partial-Birth Abortion
Anti-abortion politicians in 1981 unsuccessfully attempted to introduce a “Human Life Amendment that prohibited abortions under all conditions. President Reagan and George Bush also wanted to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling of the Roe v. Wade case. The Department of Health and Human Services in 1988, introduced federal “gag” rules. These rules did not allow federally funded family planning clinics to discuss and inform their patients about abortion. In 1939, the “abortion pill” RU 486 was banned by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). After, many anti-abortion bills were introduced in state legislatures. Bills supporting abortion rights were
One of the most controversial situations in the United States is abortion. A couple of decades ago when abortion was illegal, thousands of woman died for attempting to terminate the child’s life themselves or with unprofessional help. On January 22, 1973, in the Roe v. Wade case, Supreme Court legalized abortion in all 50 states. This has saved thousands of woman’s lives and should remain legal.