
President George Bush's Response To Hurricane Katrina

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Hurricane Katrina was a big threat to the coastal areas of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, and the governor declared a state of emergency in reaction towards potential destruction the hurricane may fall in New Orleans, a major city in Louisiana. To prepare for the threat of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), was sent to Louisiana to help aid the state. Later, a big disaster befalls in the state of Louisiana, and the governor declared a national evacuation. New Orleans, the heavily populated city, ordered its citizen to evacuate in the Superdome, with food, shelter, and rations being distributed. After the state evacuation was made, there was a shortage of food, water, and operable toilet facilities, thus creating …show more content…

First, Bush had created the Gulf Opportunity Zone- a government enterprise that he said would provide help on taxes, housing, education, and training for the victims of the hurricane. Secondly, Bush noted the he would ask Congress to pass the Urban Homesteading act to provide building sites on federal land through a lottery to low-income citizens, free of charge ( pg, 250). Lastly, a $10.5 billion given to FEMA for recovery efforts including shelter, food, and medical care. However, reconstruction and resettlement would cost around two to three times. (pg, 250). If Bush had executed a better plan for Hurricane Katrina, billions of government dollars would not have been spent …show more content…

I would have responded better to the hurricane knowing of its danger. Brown should have known that the hurricane was a level 4 or 5 danger and how dangerous it could pose. Due to his incompetence of the dangers Hurricane Katrina poses, he failed to respond and hundreds died, with many injuries included. It was also stated that Brown, “was aware that 20,000 people were at the Superdome after a news report came on 24 hours later.” He knew before had that the hurricane would cause massive damage, but he ignored it. Also, Bush’s staffing hired Brown not because of competence and demonstration but for individuals known for their strident conservative political beliefs and political loyalty. The problem is that FEMA would spend money on needless projects, criticized by politicians. If it were up to me, I would have carefully used government money, especially since Bush’s help costs two to three times

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